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D.—No. 6f.



HAWKE'S BAY. No. 4. His Honor J. D. Ormond to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Napier, Ist June, 1871. On the 4th May I had the honor to send you the draft of a Bill I purposed submitting to the Provincial Council of this Province on the subject of setting aside lands for railways, and requesting the favour of a reply as to whether the proposed Act provided sufficiently for the object desired. On the 13th May you were good enough to send me the opinion of the Attorney-General, who thought the Bill premature, and recommended the passing of resolutions agreeing to set aside lands. I now enclose copy of a resolution passed unanimously by the Provincial Council, by which that body undertakes to appropriate by Act, in terms of the 17th and 20th clauses of " The Immigration and Public AA rorks Act, 1870," such waste lands of the Crown in this Province as may be required to secure the construction of the proposed railways. As the purchase of the Seventy-Mile Bush is now virtually completed, this undertaiung includes those lands. I shall be glad to hear from you by telegraph, on receipt of this letter, whether you consider the resolution sufficient for the purpose it is intended for, in order that, if it requires amendment, it may be done before the Session of the Provincial Council terminates. I have, &c, J. D. Ormond, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, AVellington. Superintendent.

Enclosure in No. 4. Resolution of Provincial Council of Hawke's Bay. Mr. Ormond moved—" AVhereas by the 12th clause of " The Railways Act, 1870," the Governor is authorized to cause such inquiries, reports, and surveys to be made, and such acts and proceedings to be taken, as may be necessary to enable him to submit to the General Assembly during its next Session proposals for the construction of a railway from Napier to AVellington aud from Wellington to AVanganui and New Plymouth : And whereas by the 17th and 20th clauses of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," it is provided that the waste lands of the Crown in any Province may be set aside, sold, or given in lieu of payment for tho construction of railways : And whereas this Council desires to express its willingness to make provision for the construction of the railway from Napier to AVellington and the AVest Coast, —It is resolved, that this Council undertakes to set aside and appropriate by Act, in terms of the 17th and 20th clauses of "The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," such parts of the waste lands of the Crown situate within the Province of Hawke's Bay as may be required for the construction of the railways above referred to ; and further undertakes, "that, on the completion of the purchase of the lands known as the Seventy-Mile Bush, such portion of thoso lands as may be required shall be included in such appropriation for the purpose aforesaid." Mr. Tanner seconded the resolution. Carried unanimously. Jno. Buchanan, Speaker.

No. 5. His Honor J. D. Ormond to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sic, — Superintendent's Office, Napier, 6th June, 1871. I have the honor to transmit copy of resolution unanimously agreed to by the Provincial Council, undertaking to set aside such lands as may be required in terms of tho 17th and 20th clauses of " The Immigration and Public AVorks Act, 1870," for the construction of the railways that may be agreed to by the General Assembly within the boundaries of this Province. Now that the purchase of the Seventy-Mile Bush is virtually completed, a very large and valuable estate will be available ; and, by the resolution of the Council, whatever portion of these lands may be required is agreed to be set aside and granted. I trust the early assent of the General Assembly will be given for the construction of the railway from Wellington to Napier and from the Seventy-Mile Bush to the AVest Coast, so that the colonization and settlement of the extensive district it will open may be proceeded with. I have, &c, J. D. Ormond, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, AVelliDgton. Superintendent.

Enclosure in No. 5. Resolution of Provincial Council, Hawke's Bay. Mr. Ormond moved—" Whereas by the 12th clause of " The Railway Act, 1870," the Governor is authorized to cause such inquiries, reports, and surveys to be made, and such acts and proceedings to be taken, as may be necessary to enable him to submit to the General Assembly, during its next Session, proposals for the construction of a railway from Napier to AVellington and from AVellington to AVanganui and New Plymouth : And whereas by the 17th and 20th clauses of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," it is provided that the waste lands of the Crown in any Province may be set aside, sold, or given in lieu of payment for the construction of railways : And whereas this Council desires to express its willingness to make provision for tho construction of the railway from