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D.—No. 6b,



Brought forward... ... ... ... ... £19,402 0 0 Culverts, 33 at £3 say ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Catch water drains, 160 chains at £1 per chain ... ... ... ... 160 0 0 Total of Line—Mine to Port ... ... ... ... ... £19,662 0 O Stone Wharf, 5 chains at £500 per chain, and 7 chains at £250 per chain ... ... 4,250 O 0 40 chains permanent way for sidings, with 1,000 sleepers at 2s. 6d. each ... ... 775 0 0 Total of Line and Wharf ready for use, less rolling stock, contingencies and supervision ... ... ... ... ... £24,687 0 0

Enclosure 2 in No. 17. Geey and Coal Pits Eailwat. Estimate (South side) for a line with minimum gradient of 1 in 100; the total distance of said gradient being 122 chains. Extract from detail estimate :— O to B'—Blue Line, 130 chains ... ... ... ... £8,050 7 0 B' to 51—Eed Line, 95 chains ... ... ... ... 3,075 1 6 0 5Uo Coals—Blue Line, 328 chains ... ... ... ... 10,251 2 9 1 Total—6 miles, 73 chains ... ... ... £21,376 11 3 Providing siding accommodation and shoots at Greymouth ... 1000 0 0 Bridge over coal gorge for trucks only ... ... ... 2000 0 0 Total, including contingencies as above ... 24,376 11 3 Chaeles T. O'Connor, "Westland 30th May, 1871. County Engineer. Examined and verified, A. Dudley Dobson, Nelson, 30th May, 1871. Provincial Engineer.

Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure No. 2 in No. 17. Geey and Coal Pits Railway—South Side.

Seci .ion. Description of Work. Amount. Amount of Section. From. To. £ s. 290 0 4,261 12 174 0 4 10 429 0 568 15 210 0 2,112 10 d. O 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 £ s. d. B' Clearing Earthwork Drains... Formation Ballasting Sleepers Bridges Permanent way ... • • * o 0 s 8,050 7 0 B" 51 0 Clearing Earthwork Drains Formation Ballasting Sleepers Bridges Permanent way ... 63 10 8 4 222 0 73 O 209 0 395 12 560 0 1,543 15 0 0 O 0 0 6 0 0 d i 3,075 1 6 51 0 Coal Pits. Clearing Earthwork Drains Formation Ballasting Sleepers Bridges Permanent way ... ■ • ♦ • • • • « • 934 0 1,103 9 504 0 72 0 721 12 1,054 1 390 0 5,330 0 0 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 s 10,251 2 <) Total 21,376 11 8