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D.—No. 6b,



I.- —CORBESFONDEKCE RELATING TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF TIIE WOEKS— continued. No. Date. From. To. Subject. 1870. Dec. 24 The Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. J. Vogel As to the various courses open in reference to the continuance of the railway worts. The Provincial Government would prefer to execute the works under the direction of the Colonial Government, and to have the cost refunded when funds accrue. Government will agree to proposals, provided the resident engineer is appointed and removable by the Governor. Whom does His Honor recommend as Resident Engineer ? Recommends Mr. W. B. Bray as Resident Engineer. He will take up the plans to Wellington ; meanwhile is there any objection to calling for tenders for fencing, &c ? Mr. Bray will be appointed. If Superintendent is satisfied with arrangement, the risk of calling for tenders will not be great. Memorandum of interview between the Provincial Government, the Minister for Public Works, the Hon. F. D. Bell, and Mr. Blackett on the general question of public works. Suggesting that the surveys should be carried on under the supervision of the District Engineer. Enclosing a memorandum from the Superintendent, with reference to the order in which it is wished the contemplated survey of railway lines should be carried out. Notwithstanding previous arrangement, no survey except that of the Northern Railway is being carried out. Mr. Blackett instructed to cause surveys to be proceeded with without delay. Mr. Bray instructed to have surveys put in hand at once. Surveys were directed to be made before Mr. Blackett left Christchurch. Superintendent complains that only the Northern Line is being proceeded with. Push the others Dec. 28 Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Canterbury 43 Dec. 29 The Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. Colonial Secretary Dec. 30 Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Canterbury 47 1871. Feb. 21 The Superintendent of Canterbury 48 46 March 10 March 13 Mr. Blackett Mr. Blackett The Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. Colonial Secretary 50 April 21 The Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. Colonial Secretary 51 52 April 27 April 29 non. Colonial Secretary Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Canterbury The Superintendent of Canterbury 53 April 28 Mr. Blackett Mr. Bray April 28 Mr. Bray Mr. Blackett on. Explaining the delay. 1871. Feb. 21 II.—Chbistchttbch to Rangioka. 56 Mr. Blackett Hon. Colonial Secretary Has examined plans, &c, of Great Northern Railway, and approved them. Encloses a statement of the work in progress. Authorized Government of Canterbury to order iron work for forty goods waggons. Style of rail approved. Order for Northern Line can therefore be sent. Forwards copy of order for rails, &c, for Northern Railway, about to be sent to London. Requests that the Hon. Mr. Vogel may be informed, with a view to his providing the necessary funds, so that the expense of drawing on the Province may be saved. As Hon. Mr. Gisborne is absent, will Hon. Mr. Bell give his consideration to purport of letter No. 58. Forwards copy of memorandum addressed to Hon. Mr. Sewell (No. 61). Memorandum of arrangement as to provision of funds for Canterbury Railway orders, sent and to bo sent to London. Memorandum of arrangement with Superintendent of Canterbury as to provision of funds by Hon. Mr. Vogel for railway plant. Forwarding the correspondence relating to the purchase of plant for the Canterbury Railways. Forwards reply of Hon. Mr. Vogel, relative to the provision of funds for Canterbury Railways. 66 Feb. 23 Mr. Blackett Hon. Colonial Secretary 57 68 Feb. 28 March 1 Mr. Blackett The Superintendent of Canterbury The Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. Colonial Secretary March 1 The Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. F. D. Bell Hon. F. D. Bell 59 60 61 March 9 March 8 Hon. F. D. Bell The Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. H. Sewell 62 March 16 Hon. F. D. Bell Hon. Colonial Secretary 68 June 2 Hon. Colonial Secretary Agent-G-eneral, London 01 July 26 Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Canterbury Mr. Blackett III.—Ashley Ei [YEB. SB March 9 Mr. Bray Instructing him to make sectional and plan surveys of Ashley River Crossing. Report on the Ashley River Crossing. Of the three alternative lines, the parliamentary is the best. Could the main line be laid out so as to touch the township of Rangiora and join the Cam Mill Line ? Cost of a branch line to township of Rangiora. No reason why the main line should not be laid out as suggested. Estimate of cost. Forwards Mr. Blackett's report No. 66. U July 4 Mr. Blackett Hon. Colonial Secretary w July 6 Hon. Colonial Secretary Mr. Blaekett July 7 Mr. Blackett Hon. Colonial Secretary 68 09 July 8 Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Canterbury. Hon. Colonial Secretary 70 July 20 The Superintendent of Canterbury Acknowledges receipt. II