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D.—No. 6b



ro. Date. From. To. 8ubject. 1870. Sept. 6 Superintendent, Nelson Hon. Colonial Secretary A preliminary survey of proposed railway, Nelson to Cobden, 220 miles, was executed in 18G7-68, and the first twelve miles to Wairoa a year or two previously. Receipt of information acknowledged. Sept. 21 1871. April 13 Hon. Colonial Secretary Superintendent, Nelson 2 V, Superintendent, Nelson Hon. Colonial Secretary Will forward plan of survey, Nelson to Foxhill, and requests that if the information supplied is insufficient, Government will remedy it before Assembly meets. Anticipating concurrence of Provincial Council, directions will be at once given to have deficiency supplied in the Cobdon and Foxhill Lines. To take steps for parliamentary survey of best line, Nelson to Foxhill. Forwards three resolutions of Provincial Council recommending railways—(1) Nelson to Foxhill, (2) Cobden to Brunner Coal Mine, and (3) Westport to Mount Eochfort Coal Mine, and expresses his concurrence therein Acknowledging receipt. A survey is now being made from Nelson to Foxhill. April 14 Hon. Colonial Secretary Superintendent, Nelson 5 April 22 Mr. Knowles Mr. Blackett 0 July 7 Superintendent, Nelson Hon. Colonial Secretary July 29 Hon. Colonial Secretary Superintendent, Nelson II.--Geey Coal Mines to i i SnirriNG Poet. 1870. Oct. 2i Superintendent, Nelson Hon. Colonial Secretary Provincial Government propose borrowing £60,000, of which £30,000 will be devoted to construction of a railway from Brunner Coal Mine (Grey River) to Port of Cobden ; requests information as to ■whether Government will recommend the loan to the Assembly. 1871. Jan. 3 Superintendent, Nelson Hon. Colonial Secretary B o Jan. 10 April 13 April 14 Hon. Colonial Secretary Superintendent, Nelson Hon. Colonial Secretary Superintendent, Nelson Hon. Colonial Secretary Superintendent, Nelson Requesting to know whether the above letter has yet received the attention of the Government. Government regard proposed railway, Brunner to Cobden, as one of general Colonial interest, which they will gladly promote, and, on certain conditions, will lend their aid to obtaining the sanction of the Assembly. In reference to the above, trusts the Government will take measures to effect the object with the Iea6t possible delay, as a matter affecting the interests of all parts of the Colony. As it will be necessary to make careful inquiries as to the best course of a railway to connect the Grey River Coal Mines with a shipping port. Dr. Hector and Mr. Blackett will be appointed a Board of Inquiry for that purpose. Forwarding instructions to Mr. Blackett accordingly. Forwarding instructions to Dr. Hector accordingly. Acknowledging receipt. Will require to be furnished with plans. a :4 April 22 April 22 May 4 Mr. Knowles Mr. Knowles Dr. Hector Mr. Blackett Dr. Hector Mr. Kuowles May 1 July 21 Hon. Colonial Secretary Mr. Blackett and Dr. Hector Superintendents Canterbury and Nelson, and Chairman of County Council, Westland Hon. Colonial Secretary Requesting plans relating to Grey Coal Mines may be supplied to Dr. Hector and Mr. Blackett. Reporting the results of their examination of Port Curtis and Grey River, and recommending (1) A light bridge over Coal Gorge, (2) The adoption of the line on the south side of the river, and (3) Tho improvement of the wharfage at Greymouth. Sundry estimates, &c, from Mr. Dobson, Mr. O'Connor, Mr. Bali'our, Mr. Woods, and Borough Council. Forwarding copy of Mr. Blackett's and Dr. Hector'sreport. Hon. Colonial Secretary Chairman of County Council Aug. 11 >lai is Nos. 1, 2, to connect i ;ch accompa: and 3, illustrating Mr. B' H-rey coal mines with a sh aying Mr. Wood's report PLANS. lackett and Dr. Hector's y ipping port on bay north of Point Eli: aint report on line of railway No. 17. sabeth ... ... ... No. 17, Enclosure 6. feel