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owners of land as to the terms on which certain pieces might be acquired. On this subject it might be said that it would be time enough to negotiate when we had determined on the actual line to be adopted; but it will be seen that were these inquiries or negotiations conducted during the survey, it would enable Mr. Wrigg to lay before the Government a more full and correct estimate of the cost of any lands likely to be required, and would undoubtedly save much time. I have therefore to suggest, that it would be well to give Mr. Wrigg authority, on behalf of the Government, to make arrangements of this kind, definite on those parts of the line where no deviation is requisite, and conditional on those parts where an alternative line exists ; also, that Mr. AVrigg's suggestion as to the preparation of a new deed, under approval of Dr. Pollen, be acted on. An allowance might be made to Mr. AVrigg over and above his contract price for this duty, the amount to be settled after his work is complete. A perusal of his report will show to what extent his authority should be limited. I have, &c, The Hon. Minister of Public Works, Wellington. John Blackett.

No. 23. Mr. Blackett to Mr. Weigg. Sib,— Christchurch, 22nd February, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your report of the Bth February, on that portion of the Auckland and AVaikato Eailway lying between the City and Newmarket, and to state that I consider it to be eminently satisfactory. In reference to your suggestion that you could act with more advantage to the Government if you had authority to treat with owners of land, I have recommended to the Minister for AVorks that you should be empowered to act in this way, and that your other suggestion, relative to a new form of deed to be prepared with the approval of Dr. Pollen, should also be acted upon. I have certified for the payment of a second advance on account of your contract to the amount of £300. I have, &c, Henry Wrigg, Esq., C.E., John Blackett. Auckland and Waikato Eailway, Auckland.

No. 24 Mr. Knowles to Mr. AVeigg. Sir,— Public Works Office, AVellington, 11th April. 1871. Eeferring to that portion of your report of the Bth February last, addressed to Mr. Blackett, which relates to the acquisition of land for the Auckland and Tuakau Eailway, I have the honor, by direction of Mr. Gisborne, to convey to you authority, on behalf of the Government, to make arrangements, under the sanction of Dr. Pollen, for acquiring the necessary lands. Any agreement you may enter into for this purpose can be made definite on those parts of the line where no deviations are requisite, and conditional on those parts where an alternative line exists. Your suggestion as to the preparation of a new deed, under the approval of Dr. Pollen, is approved. The question of remuneration to you for this extra service can stand over until your present contract for the railway survey is finished. I have, &c, Henry Wrigg, Esq., C.E., Auckland. John Knowles.

No. 25. Mr. Knowles to the Hon. Dr. Pollen. Sir.— • Public Works Office, Wellington, 11th April, 1871. I have the honor, by direction of Mr. Gisborne, to enclose an extract from a report of Mr. H. Wrigg relative to acquiring land for the Auckland and Tuakau Eailway, together with a copy of a letter I have this day sent in reply. The Government will feel obliged if you will act on its behalf in sanctioning any agreements entered into by Mr. AVrigg in terms of my letter to him. I have, &c, The Hou. Dr. Pollen, Auckland. John Knowles.

No. 26. The Hon. Dr. Pollen to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sie, — General Government Offices, Auckland, 4th May, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Knowles' letter of date 11th April ultimo, No. 182, covering copy of correspondence with Mr. AVrigg, relative to the acquisition of land for the Auckland and Tuakau Eailway, and requesting me to act on behalf of the Government in sanctioning arrangements made by Mr. Wrigg. I have given directions for the preparation of a new deed, and think that the agitation of the question of a rival line will facilitate the acquisition of the land required. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, AVellington. Daniel Pollen.