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D.—No. 6a.


No. 2. The Hon. W. Gisboene to His Honor T. B. Gillies. Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 19th November, 1870. I have to inform your Honor that in a few days Mr. Blackett, C.E., Engineer in the Public Works Department, will proceed to Auckland, with a view to the completion of the survey of a railway line from Auckland to Tuakau, with branch to Onehunga, commencing from and terminating at a point to bo determined by the Governor in Council, as authorized to be constructed by " The Eailways Act, 1870." Mr. Blackett will wait on your Honor, and I shall feel obliged by your directing him to be furnished with such information and assistance as it may be in the power of the Provincial Government to afford in the performance of this service. Your Honor will perceive from the 26th section of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," that the Governor may, on the request of the Superintendent and Provincial Council of a Province, cause works to be constructed for the supply of water to a gold field. I understand, though unofficially, that such a request has been or is about to be made by your Honor and the Auckland Provincial Council in respect of the gold fields at the Thames, and in that case Mr. Blackett is instructed, after consultation with your Honor, to cause the necessary steps to be taken forthwith for the requisite survey and other measures, for the purpose of ascertaining what waterworks ought to be constructed, and the mode of their construction. I have, Ac, His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. W. Gisborne.

No. 3. His Honor T. B. Gillies to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sie, — Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 2^th November, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge;, the receipt of your letter of the 19th instant, No. 275, reporting that Mr. J. Blackett, C.E., Engineer in the Public Works Department, would proceed hither, with a view to the completion of the survey of a railway from Auckland to Tuakau, with branch to Onehunga, and requesting that he may be furnished with such information and assistance as it may be in the power of the Provincial Government to afford, in the performance of this service. In replv. I have to inform you that I shall be happy to afford Mr. Blackett every assistance and information in the power of the Provincial Government for the above-named service. With reference to the water supply for the Thames Gold Fields, I have to thn-nk ynn fWr infi'mofJr,™ to me that Mr. Blackett is instructed, after consultation with me, to cause the necessary 6teps to be taken forthwith for the requisite survey and other measures, for the purpose of ascertaining what waterworks ought be constructed, and the mode of their construction. I have, &c, Thomas B. Gillies, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. auperintenuenr.

No. 4. The Hon. H. Sewell to His Honor T. B. Gillies. Sie, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 7th December, 1870. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter No. 43, of the 28th ultimo, and to thank your Honor for your promise of assistance to Mr. Blackett in completing the survey of a railway from Auckland to Tuakau and Onehunga. I have &c. Hcnry Sewell His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. (in the absence of Mr Gisborne).
