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Links. Estimate of Traffic. Miles in Length. Trains per Day each Way. No. of Stations. Working Expenses per Annum.* Kawa Kawa to Shipping Pout. The actual delivery of coal has been for nine months past, 21,072 tons. No estimate of probable coal traffic has been received, but it may be fairly taken as at least relatively proportionate to the prospective traffic on the lines Brunner to Givymouth and Rolleston to Malvern. 1 2 2 3,fiOO 4,300 Bkumteh to Greymouth. The present yearly traffic is at the rate of 3,640 tons of supplies, and 15,600 tons of coal, with 5,200 passengers, at a carriage-cost of £5.005. The traffic in coals on completion of the line is estimated at 50,000 tons. 6 1 ■> 2 4,500 6,000 ROLLESTON TO tlALTERN Branch. The traffic for the present year is about 400,000 bushels of grain, 4,000 bales of wool, 1,500 tons merchandise, and 2,000 passengers, besides timber, &c, the ciirriage-cost of which is £9,940. The coal traffic, when facilitated by railway, is estimated at 8,000 tons. The traffic to Westlandwill puss over this line. The arable land in the district still unsold is 75,000 acres. 85* 1 5,000 7,500 * The Working Expenses include the ordinary maintenance of Permanent Way, but not the Depreci; Carriage Stock, nor for renewal of rails. ition F and for 1 ocomoti' re and October, 1871. JOH N BtAl :kett, C.E.