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D.—No. 3



Enclosure 3 in No. 21. List of Emigrants from Sweden per " England " for Wellington. Occupation—Farm Labourers. Stelin, J. F., (male) aged 25. Ernstrom, Wm., (male) aged 26. „ Maria, (female) aged 25, wife. ~ Christina, (female) aged 30, wife. „ Margareta (female) infant. „ Carl, (male) infant. Andersen, J. D., (male) aged 20. Andersen, P. J., (male) aged 31. „ Johanna, (female) aged 23, wife. „ Maria, (female) aged 28, wife. Aselind, A. T., (male) aged 31. „ Johann, (male) aged 3. „ Charlotte, (female) aged 21, wife. „ Gustaf, (male) infant. Lindgen C, (male) aged 36. Andersen, Peter, (male) aged 25. Blixt, L. P., (male) aged 40. Hansen, J. E., (male) aged 22. „ Severina, (female) aged 30, wife. Jacobson, J. A., (male) aged 21. „ Gunda, (female) aged 8. „ Carolina, (female) aged 20, wife. „ Elm, (female) aged 3. Total—Equal to 19 statute adults. Recapitulation.—Three married couples without children; two ditto with one infant; two ditto with two children ; three single men.

Enclosure 6 in No. 21. Statement of Expenditure in connection with the Shipments of the Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish Emigrants to Wellington by the Ships " Celoeno " and " England." £ b. d. To Breslauer and Co., for passage from Christiania to London ... ... ... 46 11 6 To Winge and Co., for selection of emigrants ... ... ... ... ... G6 15 10 To telegrams to Norway ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 176 To Shaw, Savill, and Co., for moiety of passage money per " Celoeno," and expenses of transhipment in London ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 287 11 0 To W. Horneman, for selection and passage money of emigrants from Copenhagen to London ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 142 10 0 To J. Millar, for selection and passage money of emigrants from Gothenburg to London ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 45 5 0 To telegrams to Copenhagen and Gothenburg ... ... ... ... ... 2 10 2 To Shaw, Savill, and Co., for moiety of passage money per " England" ... ... 458 10 0 To Shaw, Savill, and Co., for maintenance of emigrants, and transhipment expenses in London ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 11 1 To Bates Bros., for bedding, &c... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 18 1 To petty expenses at Gravesend on two occasions and minor disbursements for emigrants ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 12 1 £1,108 2 3 By the Bank of New Zealand draft on Colonial Treasurer ... ...£,1000 0 0 By deposits from Danish emigrants ... ... ... ... 51 3 0 1,051 3 0 £50 19 3

No. 22. Mr. Cooper to His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington. Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, AVellington, 27th February, 1871. I transmit herewith, for your Honor's information, the accompanying copy of a letter, dated the 22nd December last, from Mr. John Morrison, the New Zealand Government Agent in London, with enclosures, relating to certain emigrants from Denmark and Sweden, who have been embarked on board the " England," which sailed for AVellington on the Ist December last. I have, Ac, G. S. Cooper (in the absence of Mr. Gisborne). His Honor the Superintendent, AVellington.

No. 23. Mr. Halcombe to the Hon. the Minister for Public AVorks. Sir,— AVellington, 3rd July, 1871. The second party of Scandinavian immigrants arrived per ship " England," and landed on the 21st March last. They consisted of Swedes and Danes, and numbered sixty-five and a half statute adults, classified as follows, viz.: —Twelve married couples, thirty-five single men, three single women, and eleven children.