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D.—No. 3

No. 27. His Honor J. D. Obmoiod to the Hon. W. Gisbok>-e. (Telegram.) Napier, 17th June, 1871. Eefekkino to your letter of June sth, I recommend the same conditions for nominated immigrants, Hawke's Bay, as are gazetted as applying to the Province of Wellington. I conclude lam authorized to issue orders for passages on receipt of the £5, in form adopted by Wellington. Please inform me can settlers desiring to bring out immigrants, such as gardeners, shepherds, ploughmen, &c, send blank orders for name to be filled in by friends at home ? This is very necessary, and I hope can be sanctioned. I will reply to other parts of letter by post. Anxious to start nominated immigration. The Hon. W. Gisborne, Wellington. Oemoxd.

No. 28. The Hon. W. Gisboeue to His Honor .1. D. Okmokd. Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 19th June, 1871. With reference to your telegram of the 17th instant, relative to the introduction of nominated immigrants into the Province of Hawke's Bay, I have the honor to reply as follows : — 1. The Wellington regulations adapted to the Province of Hawke's Bay will be printed in the first New Zealand Gazette. A draft of these regulations is enclosed. 2. A copy of the passage order is also enclosed. These are given in duplicate to applicants to send to their friends. Care should be taken that " Duplicate "is legibly written across one of them. 3. As every encouragement should be given to employers of labour to get exactly the description of labour they require, the names in passage orders can be filled up by their agents at home, thus enabling them to make their own selection. 4. The passage money received from applicants should be paid daily to the Public Account, J. M. Tabuteau, Esquire, Receiver at Napier, and triplicate lists of orders granted forwarded to the Public Works Department, Wellington, as opportunity permits, for transmission to the Agent-General in London. A form of this list is also enclosed. As it may not unfrequently occur that passage orders may be given by you after the despatch of the lists to Wellington, but in sufficient time to be sent by the applicants to their friends by the outgoing mail to Europe, instructions will be given to the Agent-General to honour such temporarily unadvised orders, with the view of preventing the delay of a month which would otherwise arise. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Hawke's Bay. W. Gisboene.

Enclosure in No. 28. Nominated Immigration Begulations, Hawke's Bay. Whereas by "The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," it is among otter things enacted that the Governor may, at the request of the Superintendent of any Province, from time to time make regulations (as therein mentioned) for the conduct of immigration under the said Act into such Province, and for the nomination of immigrants by persons resident therein, and for the distribution of funds provided by the said Act for immigration purposes, and for the introduction into and settlement in such Province of immigrants, and for selling as special settlements for any such immigrants any lands which he may acquire from any Province under the provisions therein contained, or any lands acquired under " The New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863," or the Acts amending the same, and for laying out and allotting any lands so acquired amongst any such immigrants: And whereas John Davis Ormond, Esq., the Superintendent of the Province of Hawke's Bay, hath requested me, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, the Governor of New Zealand, to make regulations under the provisions of the said Act as and in manner hereinafter set forth: Now therefore I, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, the Governor of New Zealand, by virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon me by the 41st section of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," and of all other powers and authorities enabling me in that behalf, and in compliance with the request of the said Superintendent, do hereby make the following regulations, that is to say : — Regulations for the Introduction of Immigrants into the Province of Hawke's Bay, on the Nomination of Persons resident therein. 1. Each applicant will be required to pay the sum of £5 for each adult at the time of making the application, and £2 10s. for each child between the ages of one and twelve years. Infants in arms, under one year, free. This rate being from London to Napier only, the cost of reaching London and proceeding up the country after arrival in Napier will have to be defrayed by the emigrants themselves. 2. As a rule, no unmarried females can be provided with passages under these regulations, excepting they accompany and are under the care of some specified relative or friend. Passages for unmarried females not so accompanied can only be granted subject to the Agent-General in England being able to make suitable provision for oversight during the voyage. 3. In the event of any emigrants applied for declining to emigrate, whatever money may have been deposited with the Government will be returned so soon as the Agent-General in England shall have apprised the Government thereof; but in the event of any emigrants applied for accepting the offer of a passage in a particular ship, and so, by failing to present themselves for embarkation at the time and place appointed by the Agent-General in England for the sailing of such ship, be left behind, the passage money and passages will be forfeited. 4. All the ships employed in this service will be under the provisions of " The Passenger Act." 5