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D._ No. 3.

No. 12. His Honor F. A. Carrington to the Hon. W. Gisborjte. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, sth April, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your circular of the 24th January, 1871, 70-3571, in which you call my attention to Part V. of" The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," relating to immigration, and you request me to furnish you with such information, under the 39th and 41st sections, as will enable steps to be taken for the introduction of such classes of immigrants, and in such numbers and sexes, as in my opinion the requirements of this Province would justify, during the next twelve months, &c. In reply, I beg to observe that the restrictions which beset the dealing with the land of this Province renders it impossible for Taranaki to derive the benefit which the Act confers on other Provinces where land can be dealt with ; and unless the claims of the aborigines to the confiscated lands be extinguished, and the outlawed and unsettled Maoris of this West Coast be provided for by placing them on lands assigned for that particular purpose, there will be but little chance of our obtaining, for years to come, the benefits which would otherwise accrue from immigration to this Province. I therefore respectfully submit, for the consideration of the Government, the propriety of taking steps for purchasing at once, under the authority of Part IV. of " The Immigration and. Public Works Act, 1870," the claims of the aborigines to the confiscated lands in this Province ; and I would also, at the same time, submit for consideration the advisability of placing in approved localities the now outlawed and unsettled Maori wanderers of Taranaki. I have, &c, F. A. Carbixgtojt, The Hou. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent. P.S.-—I have not yet been favoured with an answer to my letter of the 11th February, 1871, No. 9, in which I submitted for consideration the placing of immigrants at Opunake*.—F. A. C.

No. 13. The Hon. W. Gisbobne to His Honor F. A. Cabringtox. Sib,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 21st April, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the sth instant, relative to the introduction, under the provisions of" The Immigration and Public "Works Act, 1870," of immigrants into the Province of Taranaki, in which your Honor states that the restrictions which beset the dealing with the land of the Province render it impossible for Taranaki to derive the benefit which the Act confers on other Provinces where land can be dealt with, and that unless the claims of the aborigines to the confiscated land be extinguished, and the outlawed and unsettled Maoris of the West Coast bo provided for by placing them on lands assigned for the purpose, there will be little chance of the Province obtaining, for years to come, the benefits which would accrue from immigration. And you submit for consideration the propriety of purchasing, under the authority of Part IV. of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," the claims of the Natives to the confiscated lands, and of placing in approved localities the now outlawed and unsettled Maori wanderers of Taranaki. The Government are fully alive to the importance of settling the Native questions which impede the colonization of the West Coast; and your letter shall, without delay, be communicated to the Native Minister, with a view to action being taken at the earliest possible moment in the matter. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Taranaki. W. Gisborne. * For His Honor's letter No. 0, relative to immigrants at Opunake, see Papers relating to Scandinavian Immigration. •6