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D —No. 3.



CANTERBURY— continued. No. Date. From. Ti). Subject. 57 58 59 B0 n August 3 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 1 June 14 Superintendent of Canterbury Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Canterbury Hon.Col. Secretary... Hon. Col. Secretary... Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Canterbury Mr. Ottywell Superintendent of Canterbury Forwarding a statement of amount of retrospective expenditure on immigration. Submitting immigration arrangements for current season, equal to 650 adults. Proposals approved, and authorized to be carried into effect. Instructions as to immigration for current season. To consult Hon. Mr. Vogel and Agent-General. Distinction should be made between nominated and assisted regulations. Deposits hitherto received by Superintendent to be paid to Receiver at Canterbury. Forwarding regulations for approval. Amounts received as deposits will be dealt with as requested. Regulations enclosed have been approved. 62 June 27 Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. Col. Secretary... Hon. Col. Secretary... 63 July 5 Superintendent of Canterbury Agent-Gen., London Agent-Gen., London 01 68 66 July 7 July 8 July 27 Hon. Col. Secretary... Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. Col. Secretary... Forwarding correspondence relating to regulations. Immigration to be increased by 100 more single women. Council have resolved to increase immigration by 300 adults to Timaru. Requests that Agent-General may be authorized to carry out this resolution. Agent-General will be authorized. 67 July 27 Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. Col. Secretary... 68 69 70 July 31 August 5 August 3 Superintendent of Canterbury Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Canterbury Agent-Gen., London Hon. Col. Secretary... Particulars of immigration to Timaru requested in No. 60, enclosed. Instructions to carry Timaru immigration into effect. Forwarding copy of resolutions passed by Provincial Council relative to setting apart land for special settlements. OTAGi 71 1871. April 27 Superintendent of Otago Hon. J. Vogol Requesting that retrospective immigration may be brought under provisions of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870." Government will propose an appropriation for retrospective immigration to the Assembly. Acknowledging receipt. 72 May 27 Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Otago Hon. Col. Secretary... 78 June 10 Superintendent of Otago n 1870. Dec. 19 Superintendent of Otago Hon. J. Vogel Forwarding his recommendation to Executive Council, with their deliverance thereon. Takes the responsibility of commending this matter to favourable consideration of Government. Regrets the Executive Council declines to support His Honor's recommendation. Act makes it necessary that Government should act on joint advice of Superintendent and Executive Council. Forwarding extracts from minutes of His Honor's Executive, requesting provision to be made for nominated immigration, and that the Agent-General be instructed toaid in the promotion of special settlements on Stewart's Island, and of manufacturing classes elsewhere Government will cordially assist, but Provincial Council must first set apart sites for special settlements, and clearly set forth the conditions of settlement. Reminding His Honor that no regulations for nominated immigration or for special settlements have yet been received. 76 Dec. 21 Hon. J. Vogel Superintendent of Otago 1871. May 9 Superintendent of Otogo Hon. Col. Secretary... 7G 77 May 27 Hon. Mr. Bell Superintendent of Otago July 10 Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Otago. 78 westla: I). 78 1871. Feb. 9 Chairman of County Council Hon. Col. Secretary... Hon. Col. Secretary... Forwarding resolution of Council requesting nominated immigration. Enclosing copy of Wellington Nominated Regulations as a guide. Will bring Nominated Immigration Regulations under consideration of County Council. Will submit Circular of 31st May, relative to reservations of land for immigration purposes, to Countj Council. 80 si June 1 June 15 Chairman of County Council Hon. Col. Secretary... 82 June 15 Chairman of County Council Chairman of County Council Hon. Col. Secretary... GENER, INSTRUCTIONS 'O AGENT-GENERAL. 1871. 83 j April 1 Hon. W. Fox Hon. Col. Secretary... Dr. Featherston Agent-Gen., London Appointing him Agent-General for New Zealand in the United Kingdom. General instructions in reference to immigration. 84 j Juno 8