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D.—No. 3.



No. Date. From. To. Subject. 1871. Jan. 24 Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendents of New Plymouth, Havrke's Bay, and Wellington Drawing attention to the provisions of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," requiring them to recommend immigration; and to the purchase of land for railway and immigration purposes. Drawing attention to those provisions of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," requiring them to recommend immigration. Jan. 24 Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendents of Nelson, Marlboro', Canterbury, Otago, and Chairman of County of Westland Superintendents of Provinces and Chairman of County Council Superintendents of Provinces and Chairman of County Council Hon. Col. Secretary... The necessity existing for reservation of sufficient blocks of land in the vicinity of lines of roads and railways for immigration and other purposes. Information as to demand for labour and prices of provisions and clothing requested, for transmission to Agent General. May 31 June 28 Hon. Col. Secretary... auckla: 1). I 1870. Nov. 21 Superintendent of Auckland Hon. Col. Secretary... Hon. Col. Secretary... Forwarding copy of Provincial Council resolutions on immigration and public works. Explaining in what way the above resolutions arc defective, and expressing the desirability of His Honor and the Provincial Council placing the Government in possession of their views upon the whole subject. Will lose no time in consulting Provincial Council on subject of No. 5. R Deo. 3 Superintendent of Auckland Superintendent of Auckland Hon. Col. Secretary... Dec. 9 1871. Jan. 24 Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Auckland Hon. Col. Secretary... Requesting views of His Honor and Provincial Council, as promised in No. 6. Forwarding copy of resolutions adopted by Provincial Council in reference to the operation of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," with which His Honor concurs. Immigration and continuation of Waikato Railway line to the frontier settlements of the delta. Government would have given favourable consideration to wishes expressed by Provincial Council and His Honor, but obliged to delay while uncertainty existed in reference to financial mission of Colonial Treasurer. That uncertainty being removed, copy of Wellington Immigration Regulations forwarded (as a guide), and requests specific views as early as possible. Early decision will be come to in reference to Waikato line. Reply to circular of 31 Slay. Auckland and Tuakau Railway will pass through a country in which Provincial Government have no land for immigration reserves. Reminding His Honor that Immigration Regulations have not yet been received. Government will be glad of co-operation in planting settlements on such of the confiscated lands within the Province of Auckland as may be available for that purpose. 7 8 Jan. 31 Superintendent of Auckland June 6 Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Auckland Superintendent of Auckland Hon. Col. Secretary... ]0 June 30 July 29 Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Auckland 11 TARANAKI. VZ 1870. April 5 Superintendent of Taranaki Hon. Col. Secretary... The restrictions which beset the dealing with the Taranaki lands render it impossible for that Province to derive full benefit of the Immigration and Public Works Act. Suggests the purchase of the aboriginal claims to confiscated lauds, and locating the outlawed Maori wanderers. Government are alive to importance of settling Native questions, and Native Minister will take action in the matter at the earliest possible moment. April 21 Hon. Col. Secretary... Superintendent of Taranaki 13