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A.—No. 17

No. 48. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Buller, R.M., to the Hon. W. Fox. Sib, — Wanganui, 12th Januaiy, 1870. 1 have the honor to report for your information that in pursuance of your instructions I have made arrangements for starting the Mangawhero-Taupo party. I have made a provisional arrangement with Mr. Field, subject to your approval, provided he can obtain leave of absence from the Town Board, and I have engaged a party of ten Maoris, at the rate of live shillings per diem each (finding their own provisions), to exit the line and construct the road. Mr. Field is willing to undertake the work of laying off the line and superintending the road party at the rate of two guineas per diem. As it will be necessary for him to find a substitute in town, and as he will sacrifice his private business as a surveyor during his absence, I do not consider his demand by any means unreasonable. It will be necessary to engage one (or perhaps two) Europeans to assist the surveyor, at the rate of six shillings and sixpence per diem, inclusive of rations. The road party will be in charge of Aporahama Tamanuiarangi, who "will act as overseer, and ought to be paid at an advanced rate, say seven shillings and sixpence per diem. The natives have begged for a few days' grace, for the purpose of getting in their ripe crops. But, if Mr. Field's relations with the Town Board do not cause further delay, I hope to have the road party ready to start on Monday morning next. I have satisfied myself that no difficulties as to tide will present themselves, the natives being extremely eager to see the road commenced, and the overseer of my road party (Aperahama) being one of the principal owners. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier. ____________________ W- BuLLEK > PuM-

No. 49. Copy of a Letter from Mr Cooper to Mr. Buller, R.M. Colonial Defence Office, Wellington, Sm, — 15th February, 1870. I am instructed by Mr. Gisborne to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th ult., addressed to the Hon. the Premier, detailing the arrangements made for starting the Mangawhero-Taupo road party, and to request you will be good enough to report from time to time as to the progress of the work, and also to desire Mr. Field to do the same through you. I am to add that the Government is anxious the works should be pushed on as much as possible during the line weather. I have, (fee, G. S. Cooper, W. Buller, Esq., R.M., Wanganui. Acting Under Secretary.

No. 50. Copy of Telegram from Mr. Buller, R.M., to Hon. W. Gisborne. Wanganui, 14th February, 1870. Required authority to engage a second party of ten natives for the Mangawhero-Taupo roads. The party already engaged having been absent for ten or twelve days, the road-cutters are some two miles behind the engineer who is laying off the line. As we are paying the latter two guineas a day, and two assistants 7s. Gd. each, it will bo more economical to increase the road party. The Hon. Mr. Fox left the matter very much to my own discretion, but I would prefer specific orders. Mr. Field asks for Europeans, but I considerit better, on grounds of policy, to engage natives claiming an interest in the land. W. Buller, R.M.

No. 51. Copy of a Telegram from Hon. W. Gisborne to W. Buller, Esq., R.M. Wellington, 14th February, 1870. I quite agree with you as to the policy of employing natives having interest in land on roads traversing it. I authorise you to engage a second party of ten natives for the Wanganui-Taupo road. W. Gisborne.

■No. 52. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Buller, E.M., to Mr. Cooper. Resident Magistrate's Office, Wanganui. Sir, — 19th February, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 15th instant, instructing me to report from time to time on the progress of the Mangawhero-Taupo Road. I have the honor to forward herewith, two interim reports from Mr. H. C. Field, the Engineer in charge. I have, &c, The Under Secretary for Defence. W. Buller, R.M.