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A.—No. 16,


In reply I beg leave to say that on receiving your letter I at once consulted with the Civil Commissioner ; that we purpose meeting at an early day to appoint a Chairman, and that my best attention shall be given to all matters which may come before the Board. I have, &c., The Hon. the Native Minister, Fred. A. Carrington, Auckland. Superintendent.

No. 39. Mr. Brown to the Hon. the Native Minister. Sir,— Taranaki, 23rd December, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 16th instant, informing me that his Excellency the Governor had been pleased to appoint me a member of a Board to give advice on matters relating to native affairs, in so far as they are likely to affect this Province. I shall have much pleasure in giving my attention to the views of the Government, conveyed in your letter, and contribute my endeavours to carry them out on the Board, to which I have the honor of being appointed. I have, &c., The Hon. the Native Minister, Chas. Brown. Auckland.

No. 40. Memorandum. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the following native chiefs to be members of the Board to advise the Government on native affairs in the Province of Taranaki. Pori Kapa, of Kaihihi Ropata Ngarongomate, of Akura Poharama, of Moturoa Mahau, of Waiongona Pamariki Raumoa, of Mimi Donald M'Lean.

No. 41. Memo, for the Hon. the Native Minister. Auckland, Bth January, 1870. The subject of allotting lands to returned rebels in the Waikato is, and has been for some months, forcing itself on the notice of the Government; and I submit that it is necessary that some principle should be laid down as a guide to officers in dealing with cases of this character with a view to their speedy settlement. Some awards have already been made, and the following is the scale that has been adopted.-— Men of rank ... ... ... ... 50 acres each Wives of above ... ... ... 33 „ Men with families (not exceeding four) ... 50 „ Widows with families (not exceeding four) ... 50 „ For every child over the above No. (four) ... 10 „ Single men ... ... ... ... 40 „ Single women ... ... ... ... 30 „ Orphan children to have land in proportion to the rank of parents. Lands within the confiscated block to be granted to none but those who will promise to reside within the settled district. All Crown Grants for lands so awarded should contain a provision that the land therein comprised should be unalienable, except with the consent of the Governor, by sale or mortgage, or even by lease. With a view to economy, when practicable the awards should be grouped, so that members of the same family may claim under one Crown Grant. The names of all grantees to be inserted, provided that the names of individuals so inserted do not exceed the number of eleven. All applications for this object should be made through the Commissioners for Native Reserves. I would recommend this to prevent injustice to single individuals, as has often been the case unfortunately, when lands have been granted to two or three chiefs in trust for a hapu or family. A clause should be inserted in the Grant reserving for a limited time the right of road through the block. Five per cent should be allowed for this. I have, &c., 11. T. Clarke, Civil Commissioner.