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also supply printed tables which will be found of great use, showing every kind of arm in use in the service. 7. Nothing yet has been finally settled about the Steel Mountain Batteries, but information will be sent by next mail. F. D. Bell. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. I. E. Featherston.

No. 7. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetary to the New Zealand Commissioners. Colonial Secretary's Office, Gentlemen, — Wellington, 27th November, 1869. I have the honor to enclose a Beport* of the Select Committee of the Legislative Council upon the Defence of the Harbours and Commerce of the Colony, and to request that you will place yourselves in communication on this subject with the Imperial authorities. The Government believe that if proper representations are made, the Imperial Government will be willing to grant gratuitously to the Colony, in aid of "the defence of its harbours, ordnance of large calibre, though at home comparatively obsolete, and a corresponding supply of ammunition. You will be good enough, after careful inquiry, to take such steps as you may consider best calculated to attain the object in view. The Government have no funds available for the formation of batteries ; but if you are unable to obtain ordnance free of cost, any proposal involving Colonial expenditure which you may, after obtaining the best information and suggestions from professional authority, make in concert with the Imperial Government, will bo submitted to the General Assembly. I have, &c., The Hon. F. D. Bell and Hon. I. E. Featherston, M.D. W. Gisboene.

No. 8. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the New Zealand Commissioners. Colonial Secretary's Office, Gentlemen, — Wellington, 20th January, 1870. I have the honor to enclose, for your information, copy of a letter from Mr. Wellington Guernsey, of London, offering to raise a Corps of Eangers for service in New Zealand. I have, &c., The Hon. F. D. Bell and Hon. I.E. Featherston, M.D., W. Gisboene. Care of J. Morrison, Esq., 3 Adelaide Place, London, B.C.

Enclosure in No. 8. Mr. W. Gueensey to the Hon. the Pef.miee. The General Musical and Operatic Agency, Sir, — 125 Ecgcnt Street, W., London, 21st October, 1869. I beg to bring under your notice the following plan for raising troops for service in New Zealand, which I am certain, if entertained by tho Government of the Colony, will smooth many difficulties at present intervening. I propose to raise three regiments of Bangers, 600 men each, for service in New Zealand —an English, Irish, and Scotch —for from two to five years' service, and to bo given a grant of land as settlers on discharge. I will guarantee to get the right sort of soldiers suited for the service, knowing the description required. I will also guarantee that, on the security of the Colonial Government, J will procure the necessary funds requisite, without the intervention of the Imperial Government, except so far as getting the permission to raise the men in the United Kingdom. If these propositions'will be entertained, on your authorizing your agent to conclude a contract in this country, the funds requisite will be found in the City of London forthwith. Permission from the Imperial Government, no doubt, will be obtained to levy the men, and forward them to New Zealand. It will be a boon to the Colony, and very soon settle any disturbance with the Natives. An estimate can be very soon made of the total expense, and an agreement made. I can state the bankers in the City of London are prepared, on the security named, to find the necessary funds. I have, I must tell you, had the requisite experience for years in raising men, both for Her Majesty's Government and other services. Waiting for your reply, upon which having I will be prepared to hand over and show my requisites for the service I propose from the first men of the day, military and otherwise, I have, &c, The Hon. W. Fox, Minister for New Zealand. Wellington Guernsey.

No. 9. The Acting Under Secretary, Defence, to Mr. W. Guernsey. (No. 8-6 a.) Colonial Defence Office, Sic, — Wellington, 21st January, 1870. I have the honor, by direction of Mr. Gisborne, to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 21st October last, addressed to the Hon. Mr. Fox, offering to raise three corps of Bangers for service in this Colony, and to inform you that a copy of your letter has been forwarded to the New Zealand Commissioners now in England, to the care of J. Morrison, Esq., 3, Adelaide Place, London Bridge. Wellington Guernsey, Esq., I have, &c, The General Music and Operatic Agency, G. S. Coopee, 125, Regent Street, London. Acting Under Secretary. * Appendix to Journals of Legislative Council, 18G9, page 23.