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A.—No. 1.

(3.) Meteorological Report for 1868. (4.) Essays on the subject of the Settlement of the Gold Mining Population in New Zealand. 2. Perhaps your Lordship will see fit to cause copies of the above Papers to be transmitted to the Royal Geographical and other Scientific Societies in London. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. G. F. BOWEN.

No. 11. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to the Eight Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. (No. 106.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord, — New Zealand, 21st August, 1869. All the Papers printed for the New Zealand Parliament are transmitted regularly to the Colonial Office; but it may be desirable that I should request attention, among others, to the following Papers recently so printed, some of the contents of which will probably be found useful in the General Post Office, the Board of Trade, the office of the Hydrographer to the Admiralty, and in other departments of the Imperial Administration. I refer more particularly to the documents of which I now enclose copies, viz. : — (1.) The Tenth Eeport (for 1868) on the Postal Service of New Zealand. (2.) Papers relative to Conveyance of Mails via Suez. (3.) Papers relative to Conveyance of Mails via Panama. (!.) Eifth Eeport of the Marine Department, for 1868-9. (5.) Eeturns of General Imports and Exports of the Colony of New Zealand, for 1868. 2. I may take this opportunity of also forwarding (though these Bapers treat of a somewhat different subject from the above documents,) the " Eeports of the " Commission of Inquiry into the condition and nature of Trust Estates for " Eeligious, Charitable, and Educational Purposes." This Commission was appointed by me, with the advice of the Executive Council, in last Eebruary, and the evidence already taken contains much practical information of a valuable character, and affecting the interests of both the European and the Maori inhabitants of this Colony. I have, fee, The Eight Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. G. E. BOWEN.

Enclosure 1. See Appendix to Journals of the House of Representatives. E— Ko. 1. Enclosures 3 and 3. E.—go. 3. Enclosures 4 and 5. E.—Ko. 2. Enclosure 6. E.—No. 4. Enclosure 7. See New Zealand Gazette, 1869. Enclosures 8 and 9. A. —No. 5, and A.—No. sa.

No/15. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to the Eight Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. (No. 109.) Government House, Wellington, My Loud, — New Zealand, 28th August, 1869. In continuation of my Despatch No. 103, of the sth instant, I have the honor to report that Major-General Sir Trevor Chute has informed me, in a letter dated on the Ith instant, that, looking to the present circumstances of this Colony, he has " taken the responsibility of detaining the 18th Eegiment in New Zealand, " pending further instructions from the Imperial Government." 2. Immediately on the receipt of this intelligence, both houses of the New Zealand Parliament unanimously passed the votes of thanks to General Chute of which I now enclose copies. 3. A few days afterwards, it became known that Commodore Lambert, who accompanied His Loyal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh to New Zealand, and has since remained here, was about to return to Sydney, for which place he sailed in 11.M.5. " Challenger," on the 21th instant. Before his departure, both houses of Parliament unanimously passed votes of thanks (of which copies are annexed) to Commodore Lambert and his officers. 4 As your Lordship is already aware, the late and present Ministers of New 9

Vide Journals of tho L.C., 1869, p. 70 ; and Journals of the H. of R., 1869, p. 134

Vide Journals of tho L.C., 1869, p. 84; and Journals of the H. of R., 1869, p. 160.