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A-t.No. 1,



yisit, but Tawhiao absolutely refused to consent. Te Kooti will not, however, be allowed to see him. I have, &c, The Hon. the Defence Minister, William N. Searancke, Wellington. R.M., Waikato and Raglan.

Telegram from Mr. Searancke to the Hon. Dr. Pollen. Alexandra, 11th July, 1869. Meeting to take place at Te Kuiti ; all the Waikatos and Ngatimaniapotos assembled. Te Kooti not yet arrived there but expected daily. A Native just arrived from Te Kuiti. I cannot hear any rumour of war on the part of the Waikatos. W. N. Searancke, R.M.

Telegram from Mr. Searancke to the Hon. Dr. Pollen. Alexandra, 11th July, 1869 (delayed a day). Te Kooti, with about four hundred followers, has arrived at Tokangamutu this day. A greater number of King Natives assembled to meet them than were assembled together previously at any, meeting. Will have particulars of meeting to-morrow or Monday. W. N. Searancke, R.M.

Telegram from the Hon. Dr. Pollen to Mr. Seakancke. Auckland, 11th July, 18G9. Received your telegrams of yesterday this morning. Keep Colonel Moule fully informed of every particular of Native intelligence that you obtain. Daniel Pollen.

Telegram from Lieut.-Colonel Moiile to the Hon. Dr. Pollen. Hamilton, 12th July, 1869. Te Kooti arrived yesterday at Tokangamutu, with over three hundred followers. Eully sixty of them armed with breech-loaders,"revolvers, and swords. Te Kooti's attitude domineering. lam just leaving for Cambridge, but will be back to-day. W. Motile, Lt.-Col.

Telegram from Mr. Searancke to the Hon. Dr. Pollen. Alexandra, 12th July, 1869. 1 have received a letter from Tamati Manuhiri informing me of Te Kooti's arrival. Waikatos profess to be utterly ignorant of what Te Kooti's visits are. He has requested that all the old family heirlooms, greenstone, to be given up to him. Subject now under consideration by the Waikatos; will not be acceded to, I believe. Waikato very quiet, but anxious, and privately filling up their cartridgeW. N. Searancke, R.M.

Telegram from Mr. Seakancke to the Hon. Dr. Pollen. Alexandra, 12th July, 18G9. I was last week at considerable expense for messengers and obtaining information, and have now guaranteed a further expense for messengers from Tokangamutu this week. I have not any vouchers, but wish to know whether I am to be at the expense, or will the Government reimburse me the amount expended. If lamtobe at the expense, please let me know. 1 W. N. Seakancke, R.M.

Telegram from the Hon. Dr. Pollen to Mr. Seakancke. Auckland, 13th July, 1869. It is your duty to take all necessary measures to obtain information for the Government relative to affairs at Tokangamutu. Ido not know that the Colonial Government has ever required its officers to perform such service at their personal charge. I. do not understand the difficulty of obtaining receipts for money which you pay, but, if it is unavoidable, you will be able to show how it comes to be so, and that will no doubt be sufficient. Daniel Pollen.

Telegram from Mr. Seakancke to the Hon. Dr. Pollen. Alexandra, 13th July, 1569. Te Kooti gives out amongst his followers, and the Natives generally, that his career is io be similar to that of Jehu, as written in the ninth and tenth chapters of the Second Book of Kings. W. N. Seakancke, R.M.