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A.—No. i.


No. 9. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. E. Boaven, G.C.M.G., to the Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. (No. 91.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord, New Zealand, 27th July, 1869. With my Despatch No. 77, of the 6th August, 1868, I transmitted copies of the Inaugural Address with Avhich I last year opened the New Zealand Institute, and explained the various practical objects which the Colonial Legislature had in view in founding and endowing this Institution, with the Public Museum, Library, and Laboratory attached to it. 2. I have now the honor to transmit copies of the Address Avith A\diich, as President, I opened the annual session for 1869, and passed in review the contents of the first volume of Transactions and Proceedings. I forward also two copies of this volume, Avhich will be found to contain a large mass of valuable information respecting New Zealand, including the language, annals, and customs of the Maoris. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. G. E. BOWEN.

Enclosure 1. See Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, V01.11.,1869,p. 3. Enclosure 2. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 1868, vol.l.

No. 10. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. E. Boaven, G.C.M.G., to the Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. (No. 95.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord, New Zealand, 28th July, 1869. With reference to your Lordship's Despatch No. 49, of the 30th April ultimo, concerning the proposed establishment in New Zealand of a branch of the Royal Mint, I am requested by my present Responsible Advisers to transmit the enclosed Memorandum, stating that they do not now see their way to the establishment of a Mint here; but they Avill keep this subject in view, and bring it forward hereafter, should circumstances show it to be desirable to take that step. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. G. E. BOWEN.

Enclosure in No. 10. Memorandum by Mr. Eox. Wellington, 28th July, 1869. In reply to Lord Granville's Despatch No. 49, of the 30th April, 1869, on the subject of a New Zealand Mint, Ministers would request His Excellency to inform His Lordship that they do not at present see their way to the establishment of a Mint, but will keep the subject in view Should circumstances show it to be desirable hereafter, they will bring it under His Excellency s notice. „ For His Excellency the Governor. William I<ox.

No. 11. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. E. Boaven, G.C.M.G., to the Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. (No. 99.) Government House, Wellington, My Loud, New Zealand, 2nd August, 1869. I have the honor to transmit herewith, printed copies of the annual " Einancial Statement," delivered in the House of Representatives on the 29th ultimo by the present Colonial Treasurer (Mr. Vogel). 2. The "Statement," and the Tables annexed to it, show the present financial position of New Zealand. 3. With regard to the Maori Avar, I have been requested to incorporate with this Despatch the following Memorandum, furnished to me by the Treasurer : — " The revenue raised during the last year (1868-9), after deducting extra"neous amounts brought in to aid of revenue and exclusive of Territorial