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Island, occupying the central positions of strength, is such as to give rise f o grave feelings of doubt as to his intentions —which, however, are still stated to be peaceful —and a general appearance of restlessness is observed throughout all the tribes. The Colony, exhausted by the struggle, which has been beyond its means, finds itself obliged to reduce its armaments, and can only look forward with apprehension to what the future may bring forth. Ministers will have the honor to express their views as to the state of the country at largo at greater length to His Excellency in a separate Memorandum. His Excellency the Governor." Donald McLean.

Enclosure 9 in No. 8. RETURN of the NUMBER (of all ranks) of the COLONIAL FORCES, European and Native, on Active Service and Pay, 30th June, 1869.

District or Force. Distribution. No. Total. Remarks. Waikato Alexandra ... Cambridge ... Hamilton ... Ifarapipi Kihikihi Ngaruawahia Raglan Rangiawahia Wliata Whata 51 40 41 2 8 11 1 1 1 Opotoki Opotoki 162 62 62 lauranga Te Papa Gate Pa ... Various Posts 51 22 31 Poverty Bay ... 107 Turanganui 63 63 Napier Napier Petane 37 4 Europeans, 21; Hcnare Polae's Contingent, 42—03. Wairarapa ... 41 6 Wellington ... 2 Wanganui Wanganui ... Nukumavu ... Wereroa 17 27 02 f aranaki 510 106 510 Europeans, 391; Natives, 119—510. E uropeans, 104; Ngatiporou, 189; AVanganui, 37 —33C Patea Patea Manawapou Wairoa 330 55 65 Wairoa Pield Force 450 Europeans, 164 ; Ngatiporou, 123 ; Wairoa Natives 81 ; Boat's Crew, &c, 14—382. Europeans, 39 ; Mohaka Natives, 35 —74. Head Quarters Stopford Redoubt Te Kiwi Corfleld Redoubt Te Kapu Wairoa 382 26 74 32 113 88 Head Quarters, Field Force 715 Europeans, 68; Wairoa Natives, 20—88. Fort Galatea Fort Clarke... Fort Alfred... WaKatane ... Matata 197 124 106 39 33 Europeans, 60; Arawas, 64 —124. 499 Europeans, 22 ; Arawas, 11—33. 2,723