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A.—No. 1



Whitmore urged strongly, on public grounds, that there should be no delay; that the enclosed Order of the Executive Council should be passed forthwith, for the immediate reward, on the spot, of the Europeans and Natives who had most distinguished themselves in his campaigns on the East and West Coasts, which had terminated respectively in the capture of the main strongholds of the rebel leaders, Te Kooti and Titokowaru, at Ngatapa and Among other observations to the same purport, Colonel Whitmore wrote : —"Distinctions of this " kind, to be prized, should be conferred at once;" and "the decoration will do " more good than anything else to stimulate our men; and to have that result it " is desirable that the institution should be made to take effect as soon as possible, " and before any portion of the force is broken up." 4. It is generally felt here that, since the defence of this country has been thrown entirely on the local forces, the Colonial Government must not neglect, at the present dangerous crisis, any of the means which experience has proved to be necessary to promote the efficiency of even regular and national armies. 5. Hitherto the "Decorative Distinction" has been conferred, for acts of valour, on five (5) persons —four (4) Europeans and one (1) Maori. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G. G. E. BOWEN.

Enclosure in No. 7. Extract from the New Zealand Gazette, No. 14, of 11th March, 1869. G. E. Bowen, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this tenth day of March, 1869. Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas it is expedient that Regulations should be made for conferring a Decorative Distinction on members of the Militia, Volunteers, and Armed Constabulary, who may particulary distinguish themselves by their bravery: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council of New Zealand, and in exercise of all powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth by this present Order institute a Decorative Distinction, to be conferred on members of the Militia, Volunteers, or Armed Constabulary, who may particularly distinguish themselves by their bravery in action, or devotion to their duty while on service : And doth, with the like advice and consent, make and ordain the following regulations under which such Distinction shall be conferred: — Eirstly, The decoration shall consist of a Silver Cross, with the name of the Colony and the name of the recipient engraved thereon. Secondly, It shall be suspended from the left breast by a crimson riband. Thirdly, Any person upon whom the Distinction has been conferred, who shall afterwards perform any act of bravery which would, had he not been already decorated, have entitled him to the honor, may receive for every such act a silver bar, to be attached to the riband by which the Cross is suspended. Fourthly, The Distinction shall only be conferred upon those officers or men who, when serving in the presence of the enemy, shall have performed some signal act of valour or devotion to their duty, or who shall have performed any very intrepid action in the public service ; and neither rank, nor long service, nor wounds, nor any other circumstance or condition whatever, save merit of conspicuous bravery, shall be held to establish a sufficient claim to the honor. Eifthly, The Distinction shall be awarded by the Governor only. It shall not be claimed by any individual on his own account, but the claim must be made in favour of the person considered to be entitled to it by the Commanding Officer of the Force or District to which such person belonged, and the Governor shall call for such description and attestation of the act as he may think requisite. Sixthly, Every person upon whom this Distinction is conferred, shall be publicly decorated before the force or body to which he belongs, or with which the act of bravery for which he is to be rewarded shall have been performed ; and a Roll shall be kept in which shall be inscribed the names of the recipients, with a brief description of the special act for which the Distinction has in each case been awarded ; and every inscription on the Roll shall be published in the Government Gazette. Seventhly, If any person on whom such Distinction shall have been conferred be convicted of treason, felony, cowardice, or of any infamous or disgraceful offence, his name shall forthwith be erased from the Roll. Eighthly, Constables and privates decorated with this Distinction will take command of other constable or privates on duty, when no officer or non-commissioned officer is present. FORSTEIt GOEINO, Clerk of the Executive Council.