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No. 6. The Hon. W. Gisbobne to His Honor J. Macandeew. (Telegram.) Buildings, 15th February, 1870. Adteeting to your Honor's letter, No. 10,135, of the 11th January, I am advised that there is reason to think that you are mistaken as to the scire facias. Will you be good enough to procure and send copy of report of the solicitor as to state of the proceedings. I propose to ask solicitor on the other side to the same effect. To Superintendent of Otago. Gisboeke.

No. 7. The Hon. W. Gisbobne to Mr. C. B. Izaed. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib — Wellington, 15th February, 1870. I am informed that the proceedings under the writ of scire facias lately sued out by you on behalf of certain clients, for the purpose of cancelling the Crown Grant of the Princes Street Beserves, have been abandoned by you on behalf of your clients. Will you be so good as to inform me whether you admit this to be so ? I have, &c, C. B. Izard, Esq., Wellington. W. Gisboene.

No. 8. Mr. Izabd to the Hon. W. Gisboiote. Sib,— Wellington, 18th February, 1870. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 15th instant, inquiring whether the proceedings under the writ of scire facias for the purpose of cancelling the grant of the Princes Street Eeserve in Dunedin have been abandoned. In reply, I beg to say that you have been misinformed on the subject, and that the proceedings in question have not been abandoned. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chaeles B. Izaed.

No. 9. Hon. W. Mantell to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sib,— Sidney Street, Wellington, 20th February, 1870. Mr. Izard has referred to me your letter to him of the 25th instant, relative to the Native Eeserve, Dunedin ; a letter which would have more properly been addressed to me, as the person in whose hands the direction of the case on behalf of the Natives has been placed. I am willing to accept and reply to that letter as addressed to myself on your expressing a wish that I should do so. If, however, the Government desires to correspond on this or any other subject with Mr. Izard, I offer no objection to its doing so, provided that Mr. Izard's costs for such correspondence be not charged against the very inadequate funds intrusted to me for a purpose which such correspondence could not reasonably be expected to assist. I have, &c, The Hon. Colonial Secretary, &c. Waltee Mantell.

No. 10. The Hon. W. Gisboenb to His Honor J. Macandeew. (No. 73.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib, — Wellington, 25th February, 1870. With reference to the Dunedin Eeserves Management Ordinance, forwarded in your Honor's letter (No. 10,135-6) of the 11th ultimo, I have the honor to transmit for your information the accompanying copy of a correspondence, noted in the margin, which has taken place with Mr. Izard, solicitor, of Wellington, on the subject. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. W. Gtsboene.

No. 11. The Hon. W. Gisboene to Mr. C. B. Izaed. (No. 115.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib, — Wellington, 25th February, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th instant, respecting the proceedings under the writ of scire facias for cancelling the grant of the Princes Street Eeserve, and, in reply, to inform you that a Bill has been passed by the Provincial Council of Otago, under the powers contained in " The Public Eeserves Act, 1856," and the Amendment Act of 1862, for vesting the Princes Street Eeserves in the Corporation of Dunedin. The Government are advised that the Governor's assent should not be given to the Bill so long as the proceedings in the scire facias are pending, provided they be prosecuted with due diligence. On inquiry of the Superintendent, the Government were informed that no proceedings were pending, but, in order that there should be no mistake, the Government have requested the Super-

001. Secretary to C. B. Izard, Esq., 15 Feb., 1870; C. B. Izard, Esq., to Col. Secretary, 18 Feb., 1870; Col. Secretary to C. B. Izard, Esq., 25 Feb., 1870.


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