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A.—No. Ib,

I infer that, in your opinion, you have not been kept properly apprised of the views of Her Majesty's Government in relation to the removal of the 18th Regiment, and that information and directions which ought to have been given to you were in fact given to the Military authorities. I think it necessary, therefore, to point out that you have been repeatedly and unreservedly informed that the troops were to be Avithdrawn Avith all convenient speed, and that the actual directions for movement of troops from a Colony, Avhich I understand you to mean by the " final orders for the immediate " and entire removal of the troops," are of necessity given, not to the Governor of a Colony, but always to the Executive Officers of the Army or Navy, or both. The exact mode and time of Avithdrawing the 18th Regiment from New Zealand depended on arrangements of detail of Avhich the authorities at home were not completely masters themselves, which could only be communicated to you by the Military and Naval authorities in Australia charged with their execution, and the knowledge of Avhich must have been comparatively unimportant to yourself or your Ministers, as you were fully aware, in general, that the Colony must hold itself prepared for the removal of the regiment at very short notice. I have, &c, Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. GRANVILLE.

No. 7. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Earl Granville, KG., to Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. (No. 108.) Sir, — DoAvning Street, 7th October, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 100, of the 3rd August last, in which you transmit to me copies of the letters Avhich, at the request of your Ministers, you forwarded to Major-General Sir TreA ror Chute and Commodore Lambert respectively; and I have to convey to you my approval of the terms in Avhich you sent to those officers the Resolutions and Act of the Colonial Legislature. I have, &c, Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. GRANVILLE.

No. 8. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G., to Governor Sir G. E. Boaven, G.C.M.G. (No. 112.) Sir, — Downing Street, 7th October, 1869. I sent, on the 29th September, a Telegraphic Despatch in the following words, addressed to the Governor of Ceylon: —" Inform Governor of New Zealand that, except in case of unexpected calamity, Her Majesty's Government adhere to policy signified in Despatches Nos. 62 and 75. I shall write fully by mail." I have, &c, Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. GRANVILLE.

No. 9. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G., to Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. (No. 118.) Sir, — Downing Street, 18th October, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 102, of the 4th of August last, forwarding the " Casualty Roll" of Europeans killed and Avounded by the rebel Maoris, between Ist June, 1868, and Ist August, 1869, and also a printed Parliamentary Paper, giving a Return of the killed and wounded Europeans and Natives, from Ist May, 1868, to sth June, 1869.