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E.—No. 4.

No. 25. The Hon. J. Vogel to the Hon. J. A. Crkswell. Postmaster-General, Washington. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 3rd August, IS7O. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2Sth May, No. 22.257, enclosing an informal draft of Articles for a Postal Convention, establishing and regulating a direct exchange of correspondence between the United States and New Zealand, by means of the line of Colonial Mail Packets recently placed upon the route from Auckland to San Francisco via Honolulu. As requested by you, I have caused the Articles to be prepared for formal execution, and forward them herewith for your signature on behalf of your Government. The Articles are precisely the same as those in the draft you were good enough to forward for my consideration, with the exception of clause 6, which has been inserted, for the purpose of enabling this Department to refuse to convey mails by the line of packets referred to, from or to any Australian Colony which may refuse to contribute to the maintenance of the lino. Should the Articles as amended meet with your approval, I will feel obliged if you will cause one of the copies, duly signed, to be returned to mo at your earliest convenience. I would also suggest the establishment of a Money Order system between the United States and this Colony, and will be glad to have your views on the subject. lam aware that the fluctuation of your currency might be regarded as an obstacle, but this may be obviated by establishing the fixed value of your gold dollar for this purpose at four shillings and twopence sterling. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, J. Vogel. Washington.

No. 26. The Postmaster-General, Queensland, to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sic, — Queensland, 23rd June, 1870. I have the honor to inform you that I have directed mails to be made up for the United Kingdom, the United States of America, &c, for transmission via New Zealand and San Francisco, and have caused the same to be sent under cover addressed to you; and, in taking this action, have the honor to request you will be good enough to inform me what charge will be made by the New Zealand Government to non-contracting Colonies for the transit of their correspondence by the above route. Requesting the favour of your kind assistance in facilitating the due transmission of the mail now under reference, and of an early reply to this communication, I have, &c, Thos. L. Mueeay Peice, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, N.Z. Postmaster-General.

No. 27. The Hon. J. Vogel to the Postmastee-Genekal, Queensland. Sir,— General Post; Office, Wellington, 29th July, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of date and number as per margin in which you inform me that you have directed mails from your Department to be made up for the United Kingdom, the United States of America, &c, for transmission by way of New Zealand and San Francisco, and desire to bo informed what charge will be made by the New Zealand Government to non-contracting Colonies for the transit of their correspondence by that route. In reply, I have to inform you that this Government invited that of New South Wales to cooperate in subsidizing the steamers employed in this service, and and asked a contribution of £10,000 a year, which sum was to include the contribution from your Government. The Government of New South Wales have not accepted the proposal. Should your Government desire to make a separate arrangement for the Colony of Queensland, I will, on your informing me to that effect, consult the Contractor, to whom belong all moneys received on account of carriage of mails. I have, &c, The Postmaster-General, Queensland. J. Vogel.

No. 28. Mr. F. IT. Tkouton to the Hon. the Colonial Teeasceeb. Sic, — S.S. " Claud Hamilton," Wellington, I7tli June, 1870. Since our last interview on the postal arrangement of your Colony I have given the subject much consideration, and am anxious to state, before leaving here to-night, my opinion relative to the Ocean Mail Steamer continuing her voyage from Honolulu down your East Coast as far as Otago. I do not pei'ceive any grave objection to such course, provided your Government secure to my Company the speedy means of refitting their vessels at that port, or lease to them the Government Docks there, on favourable terms, and on such conditions as will prove convenient to the public requirements and to the despatch of the vessels of my Company. The necessary engineering plant to be provided by your Government or my Company as may be hereafter arranged. Till such requirements be provided, the mail to Otago to be carried by a branch mail steamer from Auckland. Should you favourably entertain these suggestions, I will lay the matter before my Board of Directors on the earliest moment after your intimating the same to me. I have, &c, Feed. H. Tboutom", The Hon. Julius Yogel, Colonial Treasurer. Manager A.S.N. Co. 7