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E.—No. 4a,

2. Every outward and homeward voyage to be performed "within a period of forty days to Sydney, or vice versa. 3. Premiums or penalties to be on the basis of £50 per diem. 4. Security for the due performance of the contract to be given to the satisfaction of your Government. 5. The subsidy to be paid to the Corporation for the transmission of the mails to be fixed at £1,000 per voyage out, and the same per voyage home. 6. The contract to be for ten years. It is also important you should be informed that the Corporation will undertake the conveyance of passengers from London and the chief cities and towns of England to Sydney at the unprecedentedly low rates of £60 first-class, and £30 second-class, including rail, provisions, and other charges ; the journey through America being at its widest part, is the most healthy, quickest and cheapest hitherto proposed. It being considered by the committee of the utmost importance that every practical facility should be afforded by your Government to the speedy conclusion of the present negotiation, we venture to urge on your attention the propriety of your nominating some representative in London on your behalf, with full power to treat and conclude with the Corporation. We are, &c, The Hon. the Chief Secretary for New Zealand, Cummins and Co. Wellington, N.Z.

No. 8. Messrs. Cummins and Co. to the Hon. W. Gisboene. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation, Limited, Temporary Offices 40 and 41, Palmerston Buildings, Hon. Sic,— ' Bishopsgate Street, E.C., London, 25th February, 1870. In reference to ours of the 3rd December, we have now the honor to inform you that the Company referred to has been established under the most favourable auspices. Official communications in reference thereto are forwarded by the present mail. We have, &c, To the Chief Secretary of the Colony of Cummins and Co., New Zealand. Eectory House, Martin's Lane, E.C.

No. 9. The Seceetart A. & P. S.S. Cohpoeation to the Hon. W. Gisboene. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation, Limited, Temporary Offices 40 and 41, Palmerston Buildings, Hon. Sic, — Bishopsgate Street, 8.C., London, 25th February, 1870. Referring to Messrs. Cummins and Co.'s letter of the 3rd of December, I have the honor to enclose you an official tender on behalf of the above Company, and in explanation of the general advantages presented by the route, send by boot post a pamphlet entering fully into the subject. I may mention that the Company possesses an influential direction, and is well supported with a capital of £1,000,000 sterling, and power to issue £500,000 Debenture Bonds. Arrangements have been made to facilitate the early commencement of the service by purchasing boats already built, while the building of the remainder will be pushed forward with all convenient speed. Believing that this Company can do the service in a manner not to be rivalled, and hoping to receive satisfactory replies from your Government, I have, &c, To the Chief Secretary of the Colony of Edmund Wm. Wheeler, New Zealand. Hon. Secretary.

Enclosure in No. 9. Mr. E. "W. Wheeleb to the Hon. W. Gtsboene. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation, Limited, Temporary Offices, 40 and 41, Palmerston Buildings, Hon. Sib, — Bishopsgate Street, E.G., London, 24th February, 1870. I am instructed, on behalf of the above Company, to tender for the conveyance of the mails between England and Wellington, New Zealand. This Company will undertake, in consideration of a subsidy of £20,000 per annum, payable as usual, or in such other manner as may be hereafter arranged, to carry the outward and homeward mails by a monthly through service, to be performed as follows, viz.: — 1. From England to Portland, Halifax, or other suitable American port, in large and powerful steamers. 2. By express train across the Continent of America to San Francisco. 3. By steamers of adequate size and power running between San Francisco and Sydney, calling at Fiji Islands or New Caledonia, where the New Zealand mails will be transshipped and conveyed by an express boat to "Wellington. 4. The service to be performed in forty days from time of leaving England, subject to premium or penalties of £50 per diem.