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E.—No. 4.

Enclosure 1 in No. 14. Mr. H. 11. Hall to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sir, — U.S. Consulate, Sydney, sth February, 1870. The " Hero " having been detained gives me an opportunity of informing you that I have concluded with the A.S.N. Co. for the steamers named in mine yesterday. I enclose copy of their terms. The guarantee I have offered for the further amount of charter money is to give a similar security to that they now hold from your Government over the subsidy to bo received from the Government of N.S.W, in the event of such subsidy not being passed before tho vessel's departure. I pay two months in advance for the extended amount, prior to each vessel leaving this port. May I therefore request you will give me a letter to hand to the A.S.N. Co, stating your sanction to this change. I have, Sec, The Hon. J. Vogel, Postmaster-General, 11. 11. Hall Auckland.

Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure 1 in No. 14. Australasian Steam Navigation Company, Dear Sir, — Sydney, sth February, 1870. Your letter of the 4th instant having been submitted at yesterday's Board Meeting, I have now to inform you in reply, that provided the Company receive a satisfactory guarantee, and that the conditions of the charter party are altered in no other respect by this arrangement, the Directors will be willing to substitute the steamers "Wonga Wonga" and " City of Melbourne," the payment being, for the first three months at the rate of £800 for each steamer per month; and for the fourth and all subsequent months, £900 each per month. I have, &c, H. IL Hall, Esq, U.S. Consul, F. 11. A. Phillips, Sydney. Secretary.

Enclosure 2 in No. 14. Australasian Steam Navigation Company, Sir,— Sydney, 19th February, 1870. I have the honor to inform you, that at the request of Mr. H. 11. Hall, tho charterer of the steamers " Balclutha" and "Rangatira," this Company has agreed to substitute, at a different scale of charge, the " Wonga Wonga," and " City of Melbourne ;" and as our solicitors advise that it is necessary that we received your assent to this change, I will be glad if you will, at the earliest opportunity, favour me with your approval thereof. I have, Sec, The Hon. J. Vogel, Postmaster-General, E. IL A. Philltps, New Zealand. Secretary.

Enclosure 3 in No. 14. The Hon. J. Vogel to E. 11. A. Phillips, Esq. Sir,— Auckland, 7th March, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th ult., requesting my assent to substitution of the steamers " Wonga-Wonga " aud " City of Melbourne " for the " Balclutha" and "Rangatira," and asking my approval thereof. In reply, I have to state that I approve of the substitution, but without prejudice to the terms of the guarantee in other respects. I have, Sec, Julius Vogel, F. H. A. Phillips, Esq., A.S.N. Co., Sydney. Postmaster-General.

No. 15. The Hon. J. Vogel to His Honor T. B. Gillies. Sir, — Auckland, Ist February, 1870. I have honor to forward to you a printed copy of the contract for the Californian Service. You will observe that it is therein agreed that the vessels carrying the mails should be exempt from charges for pilotage, lighthouse dues, and wharfage at tho Port of Auckland. This stipulation was made in the full conviction that the Superintendent and Provincial Council of Auckland would willingly consent to any loss which it may entail on tho Provincial revenues, and I shall be glad to learn from you that such is the case. I have, Sec, Julius Vogel, His Plonor the Superintendent of Auckland. Postmaster-General.

No. 16. His Honor T. B. Gillies to the Hon. J. Vogel. (579-70.) Superintendent's Office, Auckland, Sir,— Bth February, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the Ist instant, forwarding a