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E.—No. 4,

The steamers to leave Sydney at four o'clock p.m., and Auckland at two o'clock p.m., respectively, on the above appointed days. Eor and on behalf of the Government of New Zealand, Julius Vogel, Postmaster- General. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the said Julius Vogel, in the presence of Charles Knight, Auditor-General, New Zealand. William Seed, Inspector of Customs, New Zealand. IL 11. Hall. Signed, sealed, and delivered, by the said Ilaydon Hezekiah Hall, in the presence of Charles Knight, Auditor-General, New Zealand. William Seed, Inspector of Customs, New Zealand.

No. 4s. The Hon. J. Vogel to Mr. H. IL Hall. Sir, —■ Sydney, 11th January, 1870. In accordance with my verbal undertaking to you, I have now the honor to state, that during the first six services between Sydney and San Erancisco both ways, should the contribution received from New South Wales for postages or subsidy, or both combined, not equal the rateable amount which it is agreed that Colony should be asked to pay, namely, at the rate of £10,000 per annum for twelve services, I will agree, for and on behalf of the Government of New Zealand, to an extent not exceeding £2,000 to make up the amount, subject of course to your duly performing your contract. I have, Sec, 11. IL Hall, Esq., Sydney. Julius Vogel.

No. 5. Mr. PniLLiPS to the Hon. J. Vogel. Australasian Steam Navigation Company, Sir,— 11th January, 1870. I do myself the honor to hand you under this cover, a letter, under date of 11th instant, addressed to you by Mr. H. 11. Hall, in respect of the payment to this Company of certain moneys, on account of tho charter to that gentleman of two of our steamers, receipt of which bo so good to acknowledge, and endorse the conditions therein named. I have, Sec, The Hon. Julius Vogel, Postmaster-General E. Phillips, Secretary, of New Zealand.

Enclosure in No. 5. Sir, — Sydney, 11th January, 1870. With reference to the agreement for carriage of mails to and from San Erancisco, entered into by mo with you for the New Zealand Government, I hereby authorize and request you, on account and out, of the moneys or subsidies which may be or may become payable to me thereunder, to pay, by anticipation or otherwise, to the Australasian Steam Navigation Company, on account of my charter with them, to tho extent of six thousand pounds, by monthly payments of one thousand pounds, in such manner as you may think fit. And I also, subject to our said agreement, charge any surplus subsidy money of' one thousand two hundred and fifty pounds per service, which may be in your hands, or in the hands of the New Zealand Government, with the payment to the said Company of any moneys they may expend for seamen's wages or coals of or for the steam vessels chartered by them to me, and authorize and request you, subject to our said agreement, to pay the same to them on such evidence as you may think fit. I have, Sec, The Hon. Julius Vogel, Postmaster-General H. H. Hall. of New Zealand.

No. 6. The Hon. J. Vogel to Mr. E. Trouton. Sir, —■ Sydney, 11th January, 1870. In reply to your letter to me of the 11th instant, enclosing a letter addressed to me by Mr. H. H. Hall, respecting the payment to you of certain moneys on account of subsidy moneys, which may bo or may become payable to him under the agreement entered into with him by me as PostmasterGeneral of New Zealand on behalf of the New Zealand Government, I beg to say that, in accordance with Mr. Hall's said letter, the Government of New Zealand will, on the sailing from Sydney of the first steam vessel chartered by your Company to Mr. Hall, pay to your Company the sum of five hundred pounds; and thereafter a further sum of five hundred pounds monthly for five consecutive months, or until the loss of such steam vessel before the expiration of such five months. And on the