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E.—No. 3



No. 3. Mr. W. J. Page to the Hon. the Postmastee-General. Sic, — General Post Office, London, 31st December, 1569. In reply to your letter of the 13th September last, upon the subject of the temporary re-establishment of the mail service between New Zealand and Australia, in consequence of the cessation of the packet service between Wellington and Panama, I am directed by the PostmasterGeneral to inform you that, as the sum which this department is asked to contribute towards the expense incurred by the Colonial Government in maintaining the new service from April to December, 1869, does not exceed that which was paid formerly, His Lordship has given directions for the payment to your office of the sum of £2,900, as requested, being one moiety of the expense incurred. On the other hand, the Colony of New Zealand will pay to this department, as formerly, at the rate of £300 per annum in lieu of the postage collected on correspondence conveyed by the branch packet service between New Zealand and Australia. I have, &c, The Postmaster-General, Wellington, "W. J. Page. New Zealand.

No. 4. Mr. G. Eliott Eliott to the Seceetaey, General Post Office, London. Sic,— General Post Office, Wellington, 28th March, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st December last, in reply to my communication of the 17th September, intimating that his Lordship the Postmaster-General had given directions for the payment to this Government of tho sum of £2,900, being one moiety of the expense incurred in maintaining the mail service, from April to December, 1869, between New Zealand and Australia; and with reference to this matter, and the contribution due by New Zealand, to tho main line of steam service via Suez, I have the honor to forward the enclosed statement of account between this Colony and the United Kingdom, showing a balance in favour of the Colony of £564 6s. I have, &c, G. Eliott Eliott The Secretary, General Post Office, London. (for the Postmaster-General).

Enclosure in No. 4. STATEMENT.—NEW ZEALAND in account with the UNITED KINGDOM.

Br. Cr. 869. £ s. d. Amount of contribution due from New Zealand to main line of Mail Service, via Suez, to 31st December, 1869, as per statement of Receiver and Ac-countant-General, of the loth April, 1869 ... ... ... ... 17,933 19 4 Proportionate amount, from April to December, 1869, of a sum of £300 per annum, payable by New Zealand on account of Postages collected on correspondence sent between New Zealand and Australia ... ... 185 0 0 1869. £ s. d. June 7. By Remittance ... ... 5,887 19 11 Sept.4. By Remittance ... ... 9,895 5 £ Moiety due by the United Kingdom of expense incurred in maintaining Mail Service between New Zealand and Australia, from April to December, 1869, as per letter of the Secretary, General Post Office. London, 31st December, 1869 ... ... ... 2,900 0 0 £18,118 19 4 balance due to New Zealand ... ... 564 6 0 £18,683 5 4 £18,683 5 4 G. Eliott Eliott.