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A.—No. Ib.

Enclosure 2 in No. 12. CASUALTY ROLL Of Europeans Killed and Wounded by the Rebel Maoris between June 1st, 1868, and August 1st, 1869.



CO Name. Rank. Corps. Where born. Age 011 Enrolment. Date and Place of Enrolment. Nature of Casualty. Date and Place. Remarks. Smith Cahill, David Constable No. Div. A.C. ... Limerick ... Murdered by rebels June 12,1868 June 9, 1868 Waihi. Late Colour-Sergt. Taranaki Mil. Setts. JJ JJ Clarke, AVilliam ... Squires, Thomas ... Ross, Ercderiek — Sub-Inspector Armed Constabulary Oct. 26, 1867 JJ JJ JJ JJ Killed in attack on Redoubt. 33 July 12, 1868 33 Turu Turu Mokai. McEadden, J. Blake, John Ross, Ralph Shields, Patrick ... Holden, George ... Gaynor, William Lennon, Richard Beamish, Allen ... Beamish, John Connor, Michael ... Kershaw, Philip Tuffin, George Elannigan, Edward Swords, Peter Lacey, Garrot Evans, John Sergeant Corporal Constable No. 2 Div. A.C. 33 3) jj jj jj jj 33 33 Canteen-keeper. Since dead. 33 33 jj jj 33 33 jj jj 33 33 33 ii JJ JJ 33 Civilian Constable )) 33 ■•• No" 2 Div'.' A.C. '.'.'. JJ JJ JJ JJ Wounded „ 33 33 33 33 33 ,, ... jj jj )) J) 33 jj jj 33 33 Severely. ,, ... 3) 33 jj jj )3 ii ,, 3) 33 jj jj 33 a ,, 33 33 jj jj 33 33 Since dead. 33 3) ••■ 33 3» ,, No. 5 Div. A.C. '.'.'. Tenby 24 Apr. 1, 1868 Hamilton jj jj Wounded in attack on Escort. Killed in Action July 28, 1868 Waihi? I Carr, O Condon, P. Coates, AV. Canning, Davis ... Captain Constable Royal Artillery No. IDiv. A.C. Kilkenny ... Cumberland 26 28 Nov. 1, 1867 Apr. 6, 1868 Napier AVhakatane Aug. 8, 1868 Rualri Turo. Volunteer, late Lieut. Napier Militia. Severe. Severe. Dangerous. Died 10th Aug., 1868. Severe. Discharged from Hospital 9th Sept., 1868. Severe. jj jj ... 33 33 ,, ,, JJ jj jj 33 33 jj jj •■• 33 33 Tuke, Arthur Beatty, J. Byrne, P. Sub-Inspector Constable Armed Constabulary No. IDiv. A.C. Kent, England Fermanagh, Ireland ... Ireland 25 31 Oct. 29, 1867 Nov. 1, 1867 Napier AVounded in Action 53 33 jj jj ... ,, ... j, j, jj jj jj jj jj 3) 33 Lewis, J. ... ,, ... „ I, Wairoa 19 jj J3 » McKay, George ... Geary, Joseph Private Napier Volunteers ... Wellington Rifles ... 30 July 17, 1868 July 18, 1868 jj AVellington jj jj • • ■ Killed in Action Aug. 21,1868 3) Te INgutu-o-te-manu. Kerr, AVilliam A. Mackie, John AVallacc, Richard „ Constable Private AVellington Rangers No. 5 Div. A.C. AVellington Rangers Conveth, Kincardine 29 June 17,1868 Mar. 10,1868 June 23,1868 Hamilton AVellington jj jj jj 3) jj jj 33 - jj jj 3J »