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D.—No. 7.



EECAPLTTJLATION. Total or all DISTRICTS. Banks 15th June. Waikato .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 108 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 170 Hawke's Bay.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 273 Turanganui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 95 Wanganui-Patea .. .. .. .. .. .. 199 Bay of Plenty .. .. .. .. .. .. 157 Depot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 82 Total .. .. .. .. .. 1084 APPENDIX. (No 284—70). District Office, Tauranga, 16th June, 1870. Sir, — I have the honor to report, for the information of the Honorable the Defence Minister, that the Hauhaus in the Tauranga and Opotiki Districts seem very peaceably disposed just now. The Piriraukaus, and the Ngatirangis about Oropi and Paingaroa, who for some time actively assisted Te Kooti, have abandoned him, and are now digging gum on Government lands between Te Puna and Katekate. The TJriwera tribes, who have so long been in arms against us, and the most faithful of Te Kooti's followers, have now deserted him. Of these 120 have already surrendered unconditionally, and I have no doubt that Hapurone will succeed in his endeavours to bring in the remainder of his people. Te Kooti is said to be hiding in the neighborhood of the Waioeka Gorge with only a few followers, and as the tribes who assisted him have suffered and lost so much, it is not likely that they will again join him. Of the Friendly Natives, the Ngatirangi are all engaged (on a contract) making a road from Matapihi to the beach, leading to Maketu. The Arawas are employed (on a contract) making a road from Maketu in tho direction of Taupo. The Ngatiawa having moved down to the Heads at Whakatane, are busy in forming their new settlement, and preparing ground for planting. The Ngatipukeko are strengthening their new position on the Whakatane flat, and preparing fresh ground for planting. With regard to the TJriweras who have surrendered, Major Mair is making arrangements for locating part of them at Puteri, near Matata, the remainder at Parewai, up the Matata river. The Hauhaus from being so much harassed of late, are thoroughly disheartened, and I am of opinion that they will not give any further trouble, and shall not be surprised to hear of their betraying Te Kooti into our hands. I have, &c, W. Moule, The Commissioner Armed Constabulary Force, Inspector Armed Constabulary, Wellington. Tauranga District.