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D— No. 1


Imports— continued.

No. 11. Return showing the Quantity and Value of Articles Exported from New Zealand during the Year 18G9.

Articles. Quantity. Value. Articles. Quantity. Value. Wine Warehoused 13,365igals. 175 hhds., 21 butts, 15 barrels, 262 octaves, 13 pipes, 4,802 qr.-casks, 14,904 cases 4,893 pkgs. £ 8,580 82,864 Woollens Warehoused 2,659 pkgs. 222 pkgs., 146 bales, 52 cases 2 No. ... 159 tons 12 cwt. lqr. aluc of Imports £ 118,542 25,011 Works of Art Zinc 43 5,344 Woodware ... 7,607 £4,976,126 Total"

Articles. Quantity. Value. Article. Quantity. Y.;lue. Agricultural Implements Apparel and Slops Arms and Ammunition — Firearms ... Cartridges Gunpowder Shot Bags and Sacks Bark Beer—Bottled Bulk Biscuits —Plain Books —Printed Boots and Shoes Bones Bran and Sharps Bricks Butter Candles Canvas Carriages and Carts ... Casks —Empty Cheese Coals Coffee Copper —Ore „ Rod, &e. Cordage Corks Cotton Manufactures ... Cotton Cotton Seed ... Curiosities ... Doors and Sashes Drapery Drugs Earthenware Fancy Goods Fish—Preserved „ Salt Flax Flour Fruit—Bottled ,, Dried Furniture Glassware ... Gold 112 pkgs. 96 pkgs. 21 5,000 56 lbs. 2 ewt. 136 pkgs. 6 tons 10 cwt. 10,773 gals. 6,856 gals. 241 cwt. 21 pkgs. 107 pkgs. 20 tons 674 tons 36,400 3,264 cwt. 114-J cwt. 7 pkgs. 5 297 2,371 cwt. 750 tons 7,739 lbs. 6 tons 12 cwt. ... 67 cwt. 298 cwt. 6 pkgs 89 pkgs. 861 pkgs., 257 tons 164 pkgs., 698 tons 50 pkgs. 1,158 255 pkgs. 92 pkgs. 33 pkgs. 5 pkgs. 451 pkgs. 454 ewt., 2,027 tons 17 cwt. 504 tons 274 pkgs. 25 cwt. 86 pkgs. 5 pkgs. 614,282 oz. 12 dwt. 19 grs. 92,557 bushels ... 136 bushels 3,670 bushels 342,677 bushels ... 1,799 cwt. 81,758 bushels ... 2 pkgs. 2,850 tons 18 cwt. 678 pkgs. £ 998 2,709 145 15 15 5 1,741 103 2,448 825 504 338 1,687 116 3,558 140 17,464 599 152 200 133 8,255 800 343 152 167 758 100 3,111 55,077 6,483 442 974 8,290 713 94 65 427 103 45,245 7,078 671 70 731 102 2,341,592 Iron —Sand „ Pig ,, TJndescribed Jewellery Lead —Pig ... ,, Sheet Lime—Phosphate of ... Leather Live Stock — Horned Cattle ,, Horses ,, Pigs „ Poultry ,, Sheep Machinery — Agricultural ,, Other kinds Matches and Vestas .., Meal—Oat ... Meats—Potted and Preserved Miscellaneous Nails Oilman's Stores Oils—Colza ,, Cocoa-nut „ Sperm „ Whale (Black) ... ,, Other kinds Onions Paints and Colours Paintings and Engravings Plants Plated Ware... Potatoes Printing Materials Provisions —Bacon and Hams Beef, Salted Pork, Salted „ Preserved... Resin Saddlery and Harness... Seeds—Grass ,, Other kinds ... Shells Ship Chandlery— Anchors ... Other kinds Silver Skins —Seal ... „ Sheep Soap Specimens Natural History Spices—Pepper Spirits—Brandy ,, Cordials „ Geneva ,, Gin, sweetened ,, Perfumed ,, Rum ,, Whiskey Stationery ... Sugar Sulphur Tallow 6 tons 44 tons 10 ewt. ... 68 tons lpkg. 12 tons 1 ton 8 cwt. 85 tons 877 cwt. 10 No. £ 63 200 210 91 64 40 400 3,827 201 29 No. 3 No. 16 pkgs. 1,228 No. 6 pkgs. 2,240 20 38 520 110 85 pkgs. 2 pkgs. 4,839 cwt. 464 ewt., 57 pkgs. 715 53 3,670 1,148 209 ewt. 967 pkgs. 203 gals. 2,040 gals. 7,640 gals. 22,541 gals. 6,077 gals. 6 tons 10 cwt. 77 cwt. 4 pkgs. 4,322 365 2,622 65 320 1,676 3,938 2,141 80 149 28 28 pkgs. 3 pkgs. 2,342 tons 31 pkgs. 232f cwt. 211 110 8,013 734 1,068 1,163 cwt. 83 _■ cwt. 803 pkgs. 30 tons 7 pkgs. 4,385 bushels 47 pkgs. 3 pkgs., 4 tons 1,816 255 992 160 117 1,250 210 140 Grain —Barley ,, Beans and Peas „ Malt „ Oats ,, Rice Wheat Grindery Gum —Kauri Hardware and Ironmongery Hats and Caps Hay Hides Hosiery Holloware ... Horus Instruments —Musical Iron —Bar and Rod ... „ Fencing ,, Galvanized 22,990 34 1,271 52,664 1,792 19,616 50 111,307 3,122 15 cwt. 3 pkgs. 11,063 oz., 15 dwts. 14 pkgs. 80,133 No. 392 cwt. 10 pkgs. 35 200 2,993 134 6,491 659 104 5 pkgs. 11 tons 12,623 2 pkgs. 27 pkgs. 22,800 No., 4 tons 2 pkgs. 9 tons 15 cwt. 3 tons 8 tons 10 cwt. 260 52 8,021 90 194 128 85 136 02 349 714 cwt. 2,758 gals. 69 gals. 2,463 gals. 121 gals. 90 gals. 4,447 gals. 1,144 gals. 23 pkgs. 89 tons 11 cwt. 2 qr. 12 tons 19 cwt. ... 8,513_ cwt; 206 1,451 122 671 70 98 900 608 341 3,337 340 13,935