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A.-r-No, la.

No. 28. —An Act to amend "The Auckland Waste Lands Act, 1867," relating to the sale and disposal of Waste Lands in the Province of Auckland. No. 29.—An Act to amend an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled " An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to the sale, letting, and occupation of Waste Lands of the Crown Avithin the Province of Otago." No. 30. —An Act to extend the LaAv iioav in force relating to the leasing of Crown Lands within the Province of Nelson. I have, &c., Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. GRANVILLE.

No. 43. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Earl Granville, E.G., to Governor Sir G. E. Boaven, G.C.M.G. (No. 23.) Sir,' —- DoAvning Street, 25th Eebruary, 1870. I have received your Despatch No. 157, of 14th December, enclosing a Memorandum from your Ministers in Avhich they refer to my Circular Despatch of Bth September, on the subject of the proposed Colonial Conference. I notice with great satisfaction the courteous manner in Avhich the Memorandum is Avorded, and the just appreciation shown by your Advisers of the feelings of Her Majesty's Government Avith regard to NeAv Zealand. I have, &c, Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. GBANVILLE.

No. 44. -T Copy of a DESPATCH from the Bight Hon. Earl Granville, E.G., to Governor Sir G. E. Boaven, G.C.M.G. (No. 24.) Sir, — DoAATiing Street, 25th Eebruary, 1870. I have to acknoAvledge your Despatch No. 159, of 20th December, in which you transmit an extract from the Instructions given to Dr. Eeatherston and Mr. Dillon Bell, the Commissioners appointed to treat Avith Her Majesty's Government respecting the intended removal of the 2-18 th Regiment from New Zealand, and a Report from Mr. McLean, in AA'hich. he expresses the regret Avith which your Ministers regard that removal. I cannot doubt that the Troops will have been AvithdraAvn from the Colony before this Despatch can reach it. But it is not the less necessary to inform you that I have discussed AAuth the Commissioners, at more than one confidential interview, the objections AA'hich they were charged to urge against that Avithdrawal. Those objections were fully and forcibly stated, although in a conciliatory spirit, Avhich I am glad to acknowledge, and I endeavoured to place them before my colleagues as clearly as they Avere laid before me. I regret, however, to say that Aye find ourselves unable to recall the decision already communicated to you, or to authorize any delay in the departure of the 2-18 th Regiment. On the general grounds stated in my Despatch of the 7th October, Her Majesty's GoA'crnment have arrived at the conclusion that, except for special reasons, such as a foreign Avar, or an existing contract, the Queen's Troops should not be stationed in Colonies in AA'hich Responsible Government is established. Although the application of this principle to NeAV Zealand may exert a temporary pressure upon the military and fiscal resources of the Colony, I confidently hope that the spirit and inlelligence of its Government and its Legislature will enable them to continue the works Avhich they have Avell begun for the re-establishment of peace and order on a durable basis. I have, &c, Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. GRANVILLE.