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B.—No. 1G

The New Zealand Cohmissionees to the Hon. tho Colonial Seceetaet. (No. 26.) SlE,— London, 20th May, 1870. "With reference to our letter of 20th April, No. 16, in reference to the reopening of tho Fourth CommisConversion of the Colonial and Provincial Loans, we now do ourselves the honor to forward the **°".' ?^ h Al ,rl''to enclosed Statement, showing the progress made up to this date, furnished to us by the Crown Agents. a^' We have, &c, P. D. Bell, I. E. Eeathebston, The Hon. "W. Gisborne, Colonial Secretary, &c. Commissioners.

Fourth: Coxveesion. STATEMENT of Bonds received from Converters from 7th April, to 20th May, 1870, inclusive. £ *. A. £ s. cl. General Government — Series 15 July, 1914 ... ... ... ... 5 per cent. 43,000 0 0 „ 16 March, 1891 ... ... ... ... 6 „ 11,000 0 0 „ 15 June, 1891 ... ... ... ... 6 „ 5.700 0 0 „ 15 December, 1891 ... ... ... ... G „ 1,100 0 0 „ 15 July 1891, (Act 18G0) ... ... ... G „ 1,100 0 0 62,800 0 0 Provincial Governments — Otago, Uulv, 1898 ... ... ... ... G percent. 7 901 0 0 „ 1 November, 1874 ... ... ... ... 8 „ 2,650 0 0 „ 1 October, 1875 ... ... ... ... 8 „ 375 0 0 10,823 0 0 Wellington, 1 July, 1877 ... ... ... ... 8 percent. 7,000 0 0 1 July, 1869 ... ... ... ... 8 „ 1,000 0 0 (Or one year after Notice in the New Zealand Gazette) 8,000 0 0 Nelson, 1 January, 1876 ... ... ... ... 3 per cent. 2,009 0 0 „ 1 January, ISBI ... ... ... ... 8 „ 1,200 0 0 3,200 0 0 Canterbury, 50 years from date ... ... ... ... 6 per cent. 500 0 0 „ Railway, 30 years from date ... ... ... 6 „ 500 0 0 8 March. 1873 8 „ 1,700 0 0 —— 2,700 0 0 Auckland, 1 June, 1876 ... ... ... ... G per cent. ... 4.150 0 0 Taranaki, 1 April, 1873 7 „ ... 100 0 0 £28,975 0 0 £ s. cl. General Government ... ... ... ... ... 62,800 0 0 Provincial Governments ... ... ... ... ... 28,975 0 0 Total ... ... £91,775 0 0 W. C. Seegeaunt, Crown Agent. Offices of the Crown Agenis of the Colonies, Spring Gardens, London, 20th May, 1870.