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B.—No. 2a.



TREASURY STATEMENT— continued. AUDIT STATEMENT— continued. Statement showing Principal of Loans, &c. — continued. Statement showing Interest and Sinking Fund, &c. — continued. Hawke's Bay. £ s. d. £ s. d. Loan, 1856, £27,000, at 6 per cent. ... ... ... 1,620 0 0 Add portion of £581 8s. 4cl. ... ... ... ... 20 16 3 Hawke's Bay. £ s. d. Loan, 1856, £27,000, at 6 per cent. ' ... ... ... 1,620 0 O Add portion of £581 8s. 4d. ... ... ... ... 20 16 3 £ s. d. 1,640 16 3 1,640 16 3 Consolidated Loan, £60,C0O, issued in lieu of unissued Provincial Debentures, from l.t August, at 6 per cent. ... ... ... 3,300 0 0 Consolidated Loan, £60,000, issued in lieu of Provincial Debentures, 15th April, 1868, to 30th June, 1869, at 6 per cent. 4,350 0 0 £4,910 10 3 £5,990 16 3 Nelson. £ s. d. £ s. d. Loan, 1856, £45,000, at 6 per cent. ... ... ... 2,700 0 O Add portion of £581 8s. 4d. ... ... ... ... 73 5 0 Nelson. £ s. d. Loan, 1856, £45,000, at 6 per cent. ... ... ... 2,700 0 0 Add portion of £581 8s. 4d. ... ... ... ... 73 5 0 £ s. d. 2,773 5 0 2,773 5 0 Consolidated Loan, £15,647, issued for conversion of Provincial Debentures, from 1st October, at 6 per cent. ... ... ... 704 2 0 Provincial Loan unconverted, £1,000, from 1st January, at 10 per cent. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Consolidated Loan, £15,647, issued 2nd conversion, 15th July, 1868, to 30th June, 1869, at 6 per cent, Consolidated Loan, £14,448, issued to redeem £13,980 Provincial Debentures due, 15th April, 1868, to 30th June, 1869, at 6 per cent. Provincial Loan, unconverted, £1,000, at 8 per cent. Interest, and 2 per cent. Sinking Fund, 1st January to 30th June, 1869... 899 14 6 1,047 9 7 50 0 0 £3,527 7 0 £4,770 9 1 Marlborough. £ s . __[_ Loan, 1856, portion of £581 8s. 4d. ... ... ... ... 5 16 0 Marlborough. Loan, 1856, portion of £581 8s. 4d. £ s. d 5 16 0 Canterbury and Westland. £ s. d. £ s. d. Loan, 1856, £74,000, at 6 per cent. ... ... ... 4,440 0 O Add portion of £581 8s. 4d. ... ... ... ... 176 3 0 Canterbury and Westland. £ s. d. Loan, 1856, £74,000, at 6 per cent. ... ... ... 4,440 O 0 Add portion of £581 8s. _d. ... ... ... ... 176 3 0 £ s. d. 4,616 3 0 4,616 3 0 Consolidated Loan, £349,018, issued for conversion of Provincial Loans, 1st conversion, from 1st July to 30th September, at 6 percent.... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,235 5 6 Consolidated Loan, £378,843 10s., issued for conversion of Provincial Loans, 1st and 2nd conversion, from 1st October, at 6 percent.... ... ... ... ... ... ... 17,047 19 0 Consolidated Loan, £47,524, issued for conversion of Provincial Debentures, 3rd conversion, from (no date stated) to end of June ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 195 0 11 Consolidated Loan, £349,018, issued 1st conversion, and £8,720 issued 2nd conversion, £357,738, 15th April, 1868, to 30th June, 1869, 6 per cent. Consolidated Loan, £21,105 10s., remainder of 2nd conversion, 15th July, 1868, to 30th June, 1869 ... Consolidated Loan, £47,524, issued 3rd conversion, 15th January, 1869, to 30th June, 1869, 6 per cent. ... Consolidated Loan, £266,600, issued iu lieu of Provincial Debentures, 15th April, 1868, to 30th June, 1869, 6 per cent. 25,936 0 1 1,213 11 3 1,300 18 3 19,328 10 0 £41,757 8 5 Deducted from the amount recovered in June ... ... ... 250 0 0 £41,507 8 5 Note. — By a clerical error in the copy of the Auditor-G-eneral's Report the following item was omitted :—" Provincial Loan unconverted —Interest on £266,600 from 1st August, 1868, to 30th Juno, 1869, £14,663." This sum being included, makes up the total of £41,507 8s. 5d. The Division between Canterbury and Westland will be made in a separate Account. £52,401 2 7