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A.—No. 17.


for Sir George Ferguson Bowen and the Governors who shall succeed him. The name of the said piece is Waitekauri; the boundary commences at Wharerata, thence to Te Putanga, Kotarutaru, Tapatu, Wairnana. This is the north-western boundary. The conditions for the said land: it shall be granted to us by the Crown, and if gold should be discovered in that land, it shall be right for the Governor to mine for the gold of the said piece ; and in testimony of our consent to all the conditions of this Agreement, we have hereunder signed our names on the day and in the year first above-cited. Karena, Keti Tamihaxa, Hirini Tamiiiana, his x mark, Te Poari. Witness to the signatures —11. F. Way. Ko tenei Pukapcka i tuhituhia ki Ohinemuri i te Porowini o Akarana i te Koroni o Niu Tireni i tenei te iwa o nga ra o Pepuere, 1809, he Pukapuka whakaatu mo te whakaaetanga o matou nga tangata kua oti nei o ratou ingoa te tuhituhi i raro na kia tuku atu ki a Ta Hori Pakitini Powene Kawana o Niu Tireni me nga Kawana i muri i a ia tetahi piihi kei te takiwa ki Ohinemuri he whenua mahinga koura mo Ta Hori Pakitini Powene me nga Kawana i muri i a ia ko te ingoa o taua piihi ko Waitekauri ka timata te rohe ki Wharerata haere tonu Te Putanga ko te Kotaratara Te Rua Kerikeri ko Horahora ko te Apatahi ko Tapatu ko Waimana ko te rohe tenei kite tuaraki ko te tikanga mo tena whenua mo karauna karaati ki a matou engari me ka kitea te koura kei taua whenua katahi ka tika kia mahi a te Kawana i te koura o taua piihi a he tohu mo to matou whakaaetanga ki nga tikanga katou o tenei pukapuka kua tuhia o matou ingoa ki rato nei i te ra me te tau kua tuhituhia ki runga ake i te timatanga ano. Karena, Keti T.vmihana, Hirini Tamiiiana, his x mark, Te Poari, his x mark. Kai-titiro kite tuhinga o nga ingoa—ll. F. Way.

Enclosure P. This Agreement written on the seventeenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, between the Chiefs of the tribe Ngatimaru, the name of whom are underwritten, on the one part, and Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Governor of New Zealand, on the other part: Witnesseth the consent of the Chief's, the names of whom are underwritten, for themselves and their heirs, to demise to Sir George Ferguson Bowen, and the Governors who shall succeed him, a certain piece of land situated in the District of Ilauraki for gold-mining purposes for himself and his assigns, •within the meaning of "The Gold Fields Act, 18G(J," and "The Gold Fields Act (Native Lands), 1868." The boundaries of that piece of land commence at the mouth of the Hape Stream, at Kauaeranga, thence by low water-mark of the River Waiwhakaurunga to the mouth of that river at low water spring tides, thence by low water-mark to a post standing at the sea side (at low water), thence in a straight line in an easterly direction to the mouth of the Karaka Stream at high water-mark, thence by high water-mark along the sea beach to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Hape Stream, as shown in the map hereunto annexed. The following are the conditions under which this land is demised for gold-mining purposes, viz., all the conditions contained in the Agreement to demise lands for gold-mining purposes made at Hauraki, on the ninth day of March, 18(>S. between the Chiefs of Ngatimaru and Ngatinaunau, on the one side, and Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Governor of New Zealand, on the other part, shall be enforced over lhat piece of land (the number of that document as per duty stamp being 642, and the said stamp being defaced 17th March, 1809) ; that is, all the arrangements for mining for gold and for payments to us, and all other condiiions, shall be the same as those which are written in that document. In witness of the consent of us Chiefs, the names of ■whom are underwritten, to all the conditions of this Agreement, ard of Sir George Ferguson Bowen, for himself and the Governors who shall succeed him for his part of this Agreement, and all the ■conditions hereinbefore written, they have signed their names hereunto, and the name of James Mackay, jun., Civil Commissioner, on the day and iv the year first above-written. W. H. TAiPAisr, Hoterene Tauwri, his x mark, Mekemaxa Kohui, Signed by me on behalf of the Governor — James Mackay, jun., Civil Commissioner. Signed in the presence of vs — John Thorp, Builder, Shortland. Lambert Wm. Loveday, Clerk, Shortland. Ko tenei Pukapuka i tuhituhia i tenei te 17 o nga ra o Aperira, i to tau o io tatou Ariki kotahi mano c waru rave ono tekau ma iwa (i860), no nga Eangatira o Ngatimaru kua Uihia o ratou ingoa ki raro tetahi taha no Ta Hori Pakitini Powene (Sir George Ferguson Bowen), Kawana o Niu Tireni tetahi taha He Pukapuka whakaatu mo te whakaaetanga o ratou ara o nga BaDgatira kua tuhia o ratou ingoa ki raro nei mo ratou me o ratou uri kia tukua atu ki a Ta Hori Pakitini Powene (Sir George Ferguson Bowen), Kawana o Niu Tireni me nga Kawana i muri i a ia tetahi piihi whenua kei te takiwa ki Hauraki he whenua mahinga koura maname ana i whakarite ai i runga i te tikanga o teture i huaine " To Ture mo nga whenua mahinga koura, 18G6," me " Te ture whakahou i etahi tikanga mo nga whenua mahiuga koura, 1808." Ko ngarohe o taua whenua katimata ite ngutu awa ote Hape kei Kauaeranga