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No. 73. The Public Revenues Act, 1868, amends " The Public Revenues Act, 1867," with regard to the keeping of the Public Accounts ; the moneys payable to the Public Trust Fund ; the division of the Treasury Department into separate branches for receipt and expenditure ; payment of moneys to Provincial Accounts ; and adjustment of accounts between the Colonial" and the Provincial Governments. No. 74. The Public Debts Sinking Fund Act, 1868, provides for the management by Commissioners of the Sinking Funds created as security for payment of Colonial and Provincial Loans, aud charged upon the Consolidated Revenue of the Colony by " The Public Debts Act, 1867," and the release of part of such Sinking Funds in proportion to the amount of the loans converted under " The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867." No. 75. The Treasury Bills Regulation Act, 18GS, repeals the Act of 180C>: regulates the issue and repayment of Treasury Bills and the mode of payment and rate of interest thereon. No. 76. The Treasury Bills Act, 1868, authorizes the issue, in manner prescribed by the preceding Act, of Treasury Bills (bearing interest) to the amount of £"8,000, and of Treasury Bills, in substitution for Bills issued under the Treasury Bills Act of 1866, and presented for'payment. The currency of Bills issued under the authority of this Act is not to extend beyond 30th September, 1870. No. 77. The Courts of Law Trust Moneys Act, IS6B, provides for the custody and management of Trust Moneys from time to time placed in the charge of officers of Courts of Law, and for the audit of the accounts of such officers, and the security to be given by them. No. 78. The Consolidated Loan Charges Act, IS6B, charges upon the revenues of the respective Provinces the interest and sinking fund of those portions of loans raised under " The Public Debts Act, 1867," and " The Consolidated Loan Act, 1567," which are applied to the conversion, redemption, or payment of the debts of such Provinces, and authorizes the capitalization of certain interest chargeable against the revenues of the Province of Southland. No. 79. The Confiscated Land Revenue Appropriation Act, IS6B, appropriates for departmental purposes revenue arising from lands taken under the Xew Zealand Settlements Acts of 1863, 1565, and 1566, and indemnifies the Colonial Treasurer for expenditure for the past year in excess of appropriations. No. 80. The Appropriation Act, 1868, appropriates lor the expenditure of the Government of New Zealand the supplies required in addition to those advanced by way of imprest, for the service of the current financial year, and indemnifies the Colonial Treasurer for expenditure during the past year in excess of appropriations. No. SI. The Interpretation Act, 1868, repeals former enactments, and provides lor the arrangement, division, and date of commencement of Acts, the mode of citing them, the interpretation of words and expressions specified, wherever the same may be used in the statute law of the Colony, and, with regard to thaexpression " Governor in Council," declares the validity as Acts of the Governor in Council, of acts done by the Governor on the recommendation of the Executive Council at meetings whereat the Governor may not have been personally present. The Act also points out the mode of recovery of penalties under any law imposing peualties, but not specifying the mode of recovery.

No. 8. Copy- of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.ILG., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 114.) Government House, Wellington, My Loud Duke, — New Zealand, lltli November, 1868. I have the honor to transmit herewith, a copy of a letter addressed to nie by the Speaker of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, requesting me to forward to your Grace, copy of a Protest entered by the Hon. W. B. D. Mantell, M.L.C., upon the passing of the Act intituled " The Ngaitahu Reference Validation Act, 18C8" (32 Victoria, No. 32). 2. At the same time, I forward a copy of a Memorandum on this matter, submitted to me by Mr. Stafford, on behalf of my Responsible Advisers. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Cliandos. G. E. BOWEN.

Enclosure 1 in No. 8. Major Richardson to His Excellency the Governor. Wellington, New Zealand, Sir.— Legislative Council Chamber. 7IU October, 1868. In accordance with the Standing Order No. 25, of the Legislative Council, I have the honor to forward to your Excellency, for transmission to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, the enclosed Protest entered by the Hon. Mr. Mantel! upon the passing of the Bill intituled " The Ngaitahu Reference Validation Act, 1868." I have, &c, J. RICHAKDSCO', His Excellency the Governor. Speaker of the Legislative Council.