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A.—No. 4a


Bay, and if there are no indications of an approaching enemy at Wairoa, it may be necessary to remove the Ngatiporou under Ropata and Hotene to Poverty Bay. I mention this that you may be prepared to defend Wairoa with the remaining force at your disposal. The " St. Kilda" sailed to Poverty Bay yesterday evening, with 200 natives from this place; I expect her back to-morrow, when she will proceed to the Wairoa with definite instructions respecting the Ngatiporou. I have, &c, Major Lambert, Commanding Troops, Wairoa. Donald McLean.

Enclosure 3 in No. 16. Copy of a Letter from Captain Westrup to His Honor D. McLean. Sib, — Turanganui, Poverty Bay, 20th November, IS6B. I have the honor to report that the Native expedition which started this morning for the purpose of reconnoitring, found on their arrival at Patutahi only a small section of the enemy, which they immediately attacked, killing two men and driving the remainder on to the hills by the road Te Kooti came from Puketapu. Our force is now in pursuit, and if I can get provisions up lam inclined to think the enemy will suffer considerably, hampered as they are with loot. An expedition might start from the AVairoa at once and so take them in front. I have this hope that it would not be too late. If Tareha and his people followed up quickly, the enemy's column must suffer severely in detail—or they will make a stand which would give the AVairoa party time to get up. I have, &c, Chas. Westeup, His Honor Donald McLean, Napier. Captain, Commanding Col. Troops, Poverty Bay.

Enclosure 4 in No. 16. Copy of a Letter from His Honor D. McLean to Captain Westeup. Ste, — Napier, 21st November, 1868. I now send tho " Ahuriri" to Poverty Bay, and shall feel obliged if you let me know as soon as possible the result of the expedition which you reported having followed the enemy yesterday. I have despatched the " St. Kilda" with Mr. Hamlin to Wairoa to move the Ngatiporou from thence inland to attack the enemy or to join you by sea. You will bear in mind that when the Tuparoas have left Wairoa, that District will be denuded of its force and the Northern boundary of this Province quite unguarded. If the Ngatiporou march Northwards with the view of intercepting the enemy who may be making an advance towards Wairoa or Mohaka, you will take into consideration that their force would not be more than 200, therefore you would have to use every caution in pursuing the enemy, and diverting his attention in order that he might not be allowed the advantage of bringing all his force to bear on so small a body of the friendlies or settlers who occupy positions on our Northern Frontier. I have, &c, Donald McLean. Captain Westrup, Commanding Colonial Forces, Poverty Bay.

Enclosure 5 in No. 16. Copy of a Letter from His Honor D. McLean to Major Lambert. Sir,— Napier, 21st November, 1868. I have the honor to acquaint you that hostilities have been commenced at Poverty Bay, and have to request that you will use your best efforts for the defence of the AVairoa and let the Tuparoas take the field against the enemy. It would be of importance if they could take the enemy in the rear of his present position at Poverty Bay by going overland, and a good supply of provisions should be afforded to them for this purpose. Mr. Hamlin is instructed to confer with the Tuparoas as to the speediest means of getting at the enemy's position. You will of course remain at the AVairoa and be prepared for any emergency that may arise. I have, &c, Major Lambert, Commanding Colonial Forces, Wairoa. Donald McLean.

Enclosure 6 in No. 16. Copy of a Letter from Major Lambeet to His Honor D. McLean. Sir,— AVairoa, 21st November, 1868. In reply to your letter dated 19th instant, just to hand relative to the removal of the Ngatiporou from this District, I have the honor to point out that before they are removed some means should be taken to secure the services of a body of Natives for the defence of Wairoa, and that from letters I have received from Government they do not appear to have contemplated the reduction of the force at this post. I have, &c, C. Lambert, His Honor D. McLean. Major Commanding Wairoa.