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A.—No. 1.



See Journals H. of R., 1868, pp. 270-272.

an enormous expenditure, iu addition to that quoted, arisen during tlie last five years out of our relations with the Maori race, but considerable sums have actually been disbursed for the support and protection of Native allies against their fanatical enemies. The expenditure on the East Coast campaign of 18G5 comes within this description, it having originated in an aggression by Maoris upon Maoris, who, when attacked, appealed to the Government for assistance. For His Excellency the Governor.

No. 6. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 107.) Government House, Wellington, My Lokd Duke, — New Zealand, 25th October, 1868. I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of the Speech delivered at the prorogation, on the 20th instant, of this year's Session of the New Zealand Parliament. 2. I forward also a copy of the Address presented to me, according to the usual custom on these annual occasions, by Sir David Monro, the Sjieaker of the House of Representatives. 3. I hope to forward in a short time the number of copies prescribed by the Colonial Regulations (article 261) of the Acts which have been passed during the recent Session. I have directed the attention of my Responsible Advisers to the observations on this head made by your Grace in your Despatch No. 72, of the Ist July ultimo, with respect to the Ordinances passed by the Provincial Councils. The Colonial Secretary has, at my instance written a circular (of which I enclose a copy) to the several Superintendents, requesting them to furnish complete sets of such Ordinances for the use of your Grace's department. 4. With respect to Your Grace's circular Despatch of the 23rd December ultimo, covering a letter from the Treasurer of Gray's Inn, requesting that an additional copy of the Colonial Statutes may be supplied to that Society as to other Inns of Court, I have the honor to state that instructions have been given in accordance with this request. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. G. F. BOWEN. P.S. (sth November, 1868) —Since the above Despatch was written, the Colonial Secretary has received a reply to his Circular from the Superintendent of Otago, stating that two copies of the Ordinances of that Province have been forwarded annually to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. He will be requested to forward them, for the future, through the Governor, in the spirit of the Colonial Regulations. G. F. B.

Enclosure in No. 6. The Hon. E. W. Staffoed to their Honors the Superintendents of Peotinces. (Circular K"o. 72.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Sie,— Wellington, 17th October, 1868. His Grace the Secretary of State for the Colonies having requested that the Colonial Office might be supplied with copies of the Acts or Ordinances passed by the several Provincial Councils, I have to request that your Honor would cause the copies asked for to bo supplied, in order that they may bo transmitted to the Colonial Office, and after each future Session similarly to send copies of the Acts or Ordinances passed during such Session. I liave, &c, His Honor the Superintendent. E. W. Staffoed.

No. 7. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 112.) Government House, Wellington, My Lokd Duke, — New Zealand, 6th November, 1868. In continuance of my Despatch No. 107, of the 25th October ultimo, I have the honor, at the request of my Responsible Advisers, to transmit herewith,.