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A.—No. 3c.



No. 5. Hon. H. R. Russell to the Hon. Colonel Haultain. 12.10 p.m., 11th April, 1869. No later news from Mohaka. Two town companies Militia, Napier Volunteers (Buchanan's), and Tanner's cavalry mustered on parade at half-past 10, and have just moved off to Petane. Lambert follows in person, leaving me in charge Militia Office. Richardson's A.C. marched from Waipukurau this morning, and will reach within ten miles of Petane to-night I hope; an excellent spirit prevails generally, and the appearance of the force as they passed through the town was quite imposing, preceded by a fine band, followed by Tanner's troop, and then by the Militia companies. To Colonel Haultain, Wellington. Russell.

No. 6. Hon. Colonel Haultain to Hon. 11. R. Russell. AVellington, 11th April, 1869. Tile spirit of your Militia and Volunteers has been admirable, and the promptness with which they have moved most satisfactory and creditable to the commanders ; but it would be wrong to put the troops to unnecessary inconvenience, and it will bo useless moving the infantry on unless there is a probability of finding an enemy. I think that a dash has been made at the ammunition, and that the party will retire when they get it. The cavalry will soon learn if there is any enemy in front, and Lambert should hold his party in readiness to advance immediately on receipt of information. We have no steamer here, but expect the "St. Kilda" daily; but lam very anxious to get intelligence from Wairoa ; can you get any small vessel to go down there ? Are Russell's and Wallace's companies part of the 190 men? If Lambert hears that the enemy are making a stand, he must of course press on with all the force he can muster, European as well as Native. To H. R, Russell, Napier. T. M. Haultain.

No. 7. Lieut.-Colonel Lambeet to Hon. Colonel Haultaiit. Napier, 12.12 p.m., April 11th, 1869. I hate just moved off the force for Mohaka, and shall march to Petane, and halt for the night. Pushing on cavalry. Let me know what you wish. To Colonel Haultain, Wellington. Lambeet.

No. 8. Hon. Colonel Haultain to Hon. 11. R. Russell. (Telegram.) Government Buildings, 11th April, 1869. Let Lambert go on to Petane with his force, and I will come to office at 5 o'clock, if you will be there. The companies that paraded at 12 to be dismissed, and directed to hold themselves in readiness. To Hon. H. Russell, Napier. T. M. Haultain.

No. 9. Hon. Colonel Haultain to Lieut.-Colonel Lambeet. Wellington, 11th April, 1869. Tou should not march your infantry on from Petane, unless you have reason to suppose the enemy will make a stand. Your cavalry should soon ascertain this for you. I am afraid that the Hauhaus will retire immediately they have secured any ammunition that was at Mohaka. Your arrangements have been exceedingly good to have enabled you to march out on such short notice, and the spirit of your Militia and Volunteers has been admirable —this is real self-reliance. If you are near any buildings that would afford cover for your men, you should take advantage of them. T. M. Haultain. To Colonel Lambert, Napier (to be sent on to Petane).

No. 10. Hon. 11. R. Russell to Hon. Colonel Haultain. Napier, 12.35 p.m., 11th April, 1869. It will not do to stop the Militia now they are all equipped with blankets, &c, and provisions left for Petane this morning. If Lambert hears at Petane that Militia are unnecessary, they can be sent back to-morrow. Lambert oif. We have been in the Militia Office since 11 last night, and have not been to bed. At half-past 2 a.m. Lambert despatched district orders to Captains of the Clive, Havelock. Puketapu, and Meanee Companies, desiring them to parade their men at 12 o'clock to-day, and hold them ready for immediate service. At 9 a.m. wo despatched further orders, ordering Captain W. Russell's Company and Captain Wallace's, both military men, to march on Petane to-day. This •will not take them more than from ten to twelve miles from head-quarters. The Clive and Hampden Companies will parade twice a day. I will resume at 5. To Hon. Colonel Haultain, Wellington. Russell.