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A.—No. 12.


Though, as yet, no bodies have been found, I have been shown considerable traces of blood in several spots in and about the work. My own loss, owing to the cover of our trenches, and in spite of the very well directed fire of the enemy, only amounts to one man wounded. The enemy is in full retreat, followed up by the cavalry and Natives ; and as soon as possible the whole force will cross the Waitotara on his trail. The men are in excellent spirits, and evidently delighted with their success ; while I am assured that Titokowaru will lose in prestige and in followers by his failure to carry out his boastful promises. As there has been no real or rather serious fighting, I think it out of place to mention individuals, and therefore confine myself to acknowledging the cheerful co-operation I have met with from all ranks and corps throughout my operations. Lieut.-Colonel Gorton, however, whoso particular duties are not altered by the resistance of the enemy, does deserve that I should specially record the great assistance I have derived from his zealous personal exertions and excellent arrangements. I trust the Government will be satisfied with this success, which, though less complete than I could have wished, has, I trust, regained possession of the AVaitotara Block, and removed the scene of operations further from the settled districts. I have, &c, The Hon. the Defence Minister, Wellington. G. S. Whitmobe, Colonel. P.S. —I fonvard this despatch by Captain Finnimore, Commanding the Volunteer Cavalry, in recognition of the willing and zealous services of his corps during the late critical circumstances of the district. I commend this officer to your kind protection. G. S. Whitmoee, Colonel.


No. 18. Copy of a Letter from Colonel Whitmobe to the Hon. Colonel Haitltaest. Htr, — Head-Quarters, Weraroa, 3rd February, 18G9. In continuation of my despatch of this day's date, I have the honor to state that the Cavalry having pushed on to "Weraroa took some part in the engagement with the enemy's rear guard, and the Natives under Major Kemp, after which, at my request, Lieutenant Bryce moved with all the Volunteer Cavalry across the "Waitotara to "Wairoa. Major Kemp, following the fugitives straight from the pa at Tauranga Ika, became sejiarated from the Arawas, but pressing on he came upon the enemy opposite Weraroa, and at once engaged him. He lost one man, but killed five in his skirmish, an account of which is contained in the enclosed report. On his return, as the enemy showed in some force, I detached Lieut.Colonel Lyon with his division (No. 3), and a sub-division of No. 6 under Inspector Roberts, to continue the engagement. Lieut.-Colonel Lyon, in pursuing the enemy, found himself in very high fern, and being fired upon, had much difficulty in extending his young soldiers. The enemy continuing to fire heavily upon him, I sent on No. 7 to support him, and as I saw he had some wounded, I proceeded myself with Nos. 1 and No. 8 Divisions to the spot. The enemy however had retired, and as the fern was so high as to make any progress laborious, and as both Europeans and Natives were suffering from fatigue (not having slept last night) and hunger, I determined to return to "Weraroa for the night. In the skirmishes of the day we have had three men wounded, besides one Native, Hori, of Kemp's, missing—believed to be killed. In the high fern two of Lieut.-Colonel Lyon's men missed their way, and walked almost into the enemy's camp. The absence of these men was not discovered till my return to camp, and I was parading a force to return to search for them when they happily found their way back. I shall to-morrow resume the pursuit, and shall prepare to move the whole force to the country beyond "Waitotara, which, owing to the difference of the contract for supply, will give a great deal of trouble to the departments. I enclose casualty lists. I have, &c, The Hon. Colonel Haultain. G-. S. "Whitjioee, Colonel.

NOMINAL RETURN of MEN WOUNDED at TE KARAKA, on 4th February, 1869.

Corps. Eank and Name. Nature of Wound. Remarks. No. 1 Division, A.C... Constable F. Hassard Gunshot wound, scalp Dangerous. ¥m. Brown, Assistant Surgeon, A.C.

Corps. Eank and Namei. Nature of Wound. Remarks. No. 3 Division, A.C. » Constable H. Eoache ... „ Dd. Murray ... ,, Win. Timins Gunshot wound shoulder & arm „ „ groin n » leg Severe. jj jj j» Wm. Beown, Assistant S' •geon, A.C.