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F.—No. 6.

and effectual and notwithstanding anything in the said Acts contained shall take effect as if such altered or amended certificates had been issued at the date therein named and all transactions with the persons named in such certificates or amended certificates since the date named therein for vesting the legal estate shall be deemed to have been valid notwithstanding anything m the seventy-fifth clause of " The Native Land Act 1865." Amendment agreed to—the Hon. Mr. Dillon Bell dissenting Mr. Howorth moved, That the following clause be inserted after clause 8:— .._.,, _~ m And for the purposes of the last preceding section it shall be competent for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and he is hereby authorized and empowered if he shall see fit to act with the Chief Judge or any other Judge of the said Native Lands Court and to hear and determine any case coming before the last-mentioned Court under the last preceding section in the same maimer as if he were Chief Judge of the said last-mentioned Court. Agreed to —Mr. Brandon dissenting. „ Mr. Howorth moved, That the following new clause be added to the Bill after the twenty-first CkU not be necessary for any married woman of the Native race on executing any deed required by law to be acknowledged before Commissioners to make such acknowledgment and such deed shall be as valid and effectual as if signed by a femme sole. moved, That clause 10 be recommitted in order to strike out the words " twenty " and " twenty-one." Agreed to. The Hon. Mr. Fenton and Mr Buchanan examined. The Committee then adjourned until Monday, the 23rd instant, at half-past 10 o clock.

Monday, 23rd August, 1869. Present : Hon. Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Macffarlane, Mr. Baigent, Mr. Ormond Mr. Brandon, Mr - Richmond, Mr. Clark, Mr - Rolleston. Mr. Howorth, _ , Mr. Carleton in the Chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Clerk read the following letter from the Hon. Mr. Dillon Bell "will you be good enough, in accordance with the Chairman's consent to my request of this morning to send the books containing the evidence before the Native Lands _ Committee to the Pnntimr Office ? Mr. Didsbury will return the book, re-bound, when the evidence is in type. You hid better not enter into the books any minutes not yet entered, but wait to enter the minutes till you get the book back. If Mr. Carleton is in the Government Buildings, submit this minute to him, that he may know what is done with the Minute Book. Mr. Clark moved, That the printing ad interim is approved. ThrChahman informed the Committee that Mr. O'Keeffe had asked for a copy of his evidence. The Committee refused the application. Mr. Ormond moved, That the Chairman be directed to report the Bill. M g r" Ekhmond moved, That the Chairman be directed to lay the minutes and appended evidence on the Table of the House, and to move that they be printed. A O"T*PP(I to b ' The Committee then adjourned.