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D.—No. 23,



The following rewards were agred to: —Manufacture of leather, A. Douglas and Co., G-eelong, £50; J. Farrell, Eichmond, £50. Decided —That the application of C. Davis be laid aside, the committee directed to visit his tannery having reported their inability to find him or his establishment. That M. Murphy's application for a reward for the manufacture of portmanteaus cannot be acceded to, his application having been received too late. That Pansacker and Evans' request for a reward for manufacture of portmanteaus, &c, cannot be granted, as they are not the first persons who manufactured those articles in Victoria. 12th June, IS6G.—Members present:—Mr. Francis, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Riddle, Mr. Sherwin, Mr. Stutzer. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Letter addressed to Mr. Kenny read, intimating conditions under which the premium of £1,500, set apart for his paper establishment, will be paid. Letter read from the Secretary of the Victorian. Woollen and Cloth Manufacturing Company, Goelong, to the effect that he hoped his company would be in a position to comply with the terms and conditions required by the Board. Letter read from Mr. Gγ. P. Stieling, of Eichmond, requesting reconsideration of Board's decision, in reference to his claim for a reward for the manufacture of crockery. After discussion it was decided that, although the articles forwarded for inspection do not come within the definition specified in the 3rd clause of the Regulations, as china, porcelain, or any of the finer classes of earthenware, still, being of good composition, and considering the quantity of pottery clay and koalin, procurable in Victoria, the industry is deserving of every encouragement, and that consequently Mr. Stieling's application be considered in connection with those of the Chesterfield Pottery Company, Footscray ; A. Cornwell, Brunswick; J. S. Rhodes, Brunswick. Applications reconsidered accordingly, and resolved that the following premiums be awarded to each under the 4th clause: —G-. P. Stieling, £100 ; Chesterfield Pottery Company, £100 ; A. Cornwell; £50; J. S. Ehodes, £25. Letters read from Mr. Q-. Fincham, of Richmond, requesting reconsideration of Board's decision as regards his application for a reward for the manufacture of organs and materials connected therewith. The Board were informed that since the date of his application in November last he has commenced to manufacture his own metal pipes—an industry, it is believed, not previously attempted in Australia. Awarded £100. Letter read from Mr. Hutchison, requesting reconsideration of decision in reference to his claim for the manufacture of the Australian Patent Ovens. Additional information having been supplied to the Board concerning this industry, it was resolved to give applicant £25. The Board next reconsidered the applications of the following persons, together with additional particulars furnished in regard thereto, and arrived at the following decisions: —That F. Fordham be awarded £25 for preserving fish, and £25 for canister fruits ; that J. Farrell receive £100 instead of £50 as previously awarded for manufacture of leather; that J. Donochy, ropemaker, Geelong, be awarded £50 for the manufacture of flat ropes ; that Clark and Co., for manufacture of chemicals, receive £50 instead of £25. Letter read from J. A. Kidd, Eltham, relative to amounts respectively awarded to him and Mr. McAndrew. Decided —That previous decision in Mr. Kidd's case be confirmed. i Secretary instructed to have an amended draft-report ready for consideration on Thursday next, the 14th instant, at 4 p.m^ 14th June, 1866. —Members present:—Mr. Francis, Mr. Bindon, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Eeeves, Mr. Stutzer. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. On revising the premiums, it was decided that the amount awarded to J. Martin, on account of the blasting compound be reduced to £25, the industry in question not having been yet successfully established. Draft report submitted by Secretary ; ordered to be reprinted for circulation among members of Board. 19th June, 1866. —Members present: —Mr. Francis, Mr. Bindon, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Lyall, Mr Stutzer. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Eeport of Board considered, amended, and signed.

Appendix C. Repoet on Antimont, in re Me. Hughes's Peocess. Melbourne, 15th February, 1866. I have the honor to report the following results of investigations which, in accordance with the instructions of the Honorable Commissioner of Trade and Customs, I have made into the claims of Mr. Edward Hughes to a reward for the introduction of the manufacture of antimony. I have analyzed the two samples submitted to me, viz : — No. 1. The ore operated on ; No. 2. The regulus of antimony produced ; and I have also examined the specification of Mr. Hughes's patent, to compare it with the processes in common use here and elsewhere. The sample is a remarkably fine specimen of the tersulphide of antimony, free from gangue, and consequently superior to much of that which will come under treatment. It contains 710 per cent.