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D.—No. 23.

consider this case, and after due deliberation it was unanimously resolved that a special premium of £100 should be awarded to Mr. McAndrew, under the 4th clause of the Eegulations, for the establishment of steam machinery for the preparation of flax. Appended hereto is an extract from the Board's previous Eeport relating to Mr. McAndrew's establishment. J. Gr. Feancis, Chairman.

Extract alluded to. Mr. McAndrew, of Bellerine, is a grower of flax, and has fitted up machinery for scutching. He occupies the old Bellerine flour mill, which he has had fitted up with flax-dressing machinery. The machinery was at full work in May last. It is driven by a sixteen-horse engine, and consists of one set of flax-breaking rollers and two scutching-wheels, with provision for extending shafting so as to employ full power of engine. In consequence of the successful starting of the machinery, the neighbouring farmers and others have applied to the Board of Land and Works for leases of the reserves for flax culture. Applications have been made for 2,000 acres, in allotments of twenty acres each. Independently of these applications, there is a very general intention among the neighbouring farmers to put a considerable breadth of land under flax this season. Mr. McAndrew himself intends to sow forty acres. He will shortly be in a position to claim the reward for the production of one ton of flax.

Herniations for expending the sum of Five Thousand Pounds, voted iy Parliament in the year 1865 for the promotion of New Manufactures and Industries. 1. The Governor in Council shall appoint a Board, to whom shall be referred the consideration of all claims for premiums or rewards under the above grant. 2. Such sums as may be recommended by the said Board shall (subject to the approval of the Governor in Council) be paid to the persons or company who shall have, since the Ist January, 1864, first successfully established or may hereafter first successfully establish in Victoria any new manufacture or production. 3. Precedence of claim will be given to the following items, and the reward measured by the excellence and extent of the manufacture or article produced : — Woollen" Goods —Blankets, rugs, flannels, cloth, or other woollen fabrics of general use. Papee.—Wrapping, printing, or writing. Glass. —Sheet, or plate glass, tumblers, wine glasses, or bottles. Ceockeey.—China, porcelain, or any of the finer classes of earthenware. Leathee. —For excellence in the manufacture of leather, for other and higher purposes than the sole and kip leather now produced. Olive Oil. —The produce of trees grown in Victoria (the quantity not being less than 20 gallons). Flax. —Not less than one ton, properly prepared for manufacturing purposes. FiiAX (ob Linseed) Oil. —Not less than 50 gallons, properly prepared for manufacturing purposes. Hemp.—Not less than one ton, properly prepared for manufacturing purposes. Cotton. —Not less than one ton, properly prepared for manufacturing purposes. Hops.'—Not less than one ton, properly prepared. S ILK —Not less than half cwt., the produce of silkworms bred in Victoria. 4. It shall be competent for the Board to receive, and, if approved of, to recommend rewards for other articles of local manufacture or production, or to offer and publish such special rewards or premiums as it may think fit. And also to refuse reward or premium to any new article of growth or manufacture, if it is not considered to bo of merit and usefulness sufficient to entitle it to favourable consideration.

Enclosure 4 in No. 2. Report of the Board appointed iy the Governor in Council to consider Claims for Bewards or Premiums for the Promotion of New Manufactures and Industries. Offices, Custom House, Melbourne, 19fch June, 1866. The Board appointed by the Governor in Council, on 2nd October, 1865, to consider claims for rewards or premiums for the promotion of new manufactures and industries, in accordance with the Eegulations submitted to Parliament on 12th July last, have the honor to submit the following Eeport: — With the view of giving every publicity to the Eegulations, it was resolved that'they should be inserted in the Government Gazette, the Melbourne daily and weekly papers, also in several of the country journals, with a notice to the eifect that all persons who might consider themselves entitled to rewards or premiums under the Eegulations, should send in their applications to the Secretary on or before the 15th November. Copies of the Eegulations and notice referred to were also forwarded to the presidents of shires, chairmen of road districts, mayors, with other officials, and also to postmasters, with a request that they would cause the same to be exhibited at their several offices, &c. Prior to the expiration of the date specified (15th November), it was considered expedient to extend the time for receiving applications to the Ist December, and a notice to that effect was accordingly advertised. In all their proceedings, the Board have adhered to the Eegulations, which they consider it advisable herewith to reprint; their functions necessarily being limited to obeying the directions assented to by Parliament.