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D.—No. 21.


NAME. OFFICE. Yearly Date of First fcjo 33 o Eate of Salary. Appointment. £ s. d. Y. M. 3 1 Bourbel,H.H.De(a) Bourke, P. Ditto Bourke, W. Bousfield, O. L. Bowen, C. C. Ditto Bowen, C. H. W. ... Boyle, T. (b)... Boys, J. E. J. Brabant, H. W. ... Bradburn, George ... Bradford, E. H. Ditto (c) ... Braithwaitc, E. A. ... Ditto Brandon, E. Bray, John Bremner, J. Brewer, C. Vincent... Ditto Brewer, II. C. Ditto Brewer, H. Newson... Ditto Brewer, Henry W. ... Bridge, C. W. Ditto Bridson, W. Brittan, W. Or. Broad, A. Broad, Charles Ditto Ditto Broad, Lowther Ditto Ditto Ditto Broadfoot, J. Broadfoot, J. H. ... Ditto Brodie, A. Brodie, George Bromley, William ... Brookfield, F. M. P. Brophy, Edward Brown, G. J. Brown, John A. Brown, J. E. Brown, L. L. Brown, Stephen Pain Brown, T. Brown, W. R. E. ... Ditto (a) ... Browne, Gγ. Browne, J. Browne, Wm. John... Brunner, T. Brunton, J). Buchanan, John Buck, Eli Buck, Levi Buckham, G. Bull, Edward Bull, George Bull, J. Buller, W. L. Ditto Ditto Ditto Curator of Intestate Estates, Canterbury Chief Postmaster, Hawko's Bay £300 0 0 Paj'inaster ... ... ... ... ... nil. Postmaster, Rolleston, Canterbury ... Postmaster, Woodthorpe KcsidentMagistrate, ChristchurchandLeeston £600 0 0 Forage 54 12 0 Clerk to Bench, Charleston, Nelson Drill Instructor, Canterbury Registrar of Marriages, Greytown, Wellington Clerk to Bench and Interpreter, Raglan ... Boatman, Customs, Auckland Armourer-Sergeant, Wellington ... ... £170 O 0 Ditto 12 O O Clerk, Native Office, Auckland Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Accountant, Stamp Office, Wellington Postmaster, Clive, Hawke's Bay Postmaster, Hamilton, Otaga Postmaster, Inch Clutha ... Registrar of Births, Deaths, andMarriages,NorthMolyneux Clerk to Judge of Supreme Court, Dunedin £150 0 0 Clerk, Supreme Court 15 O 0 Sub-Collector, Customs, Onelmnga, Auckland £200 0 0 Shipping Officer, Post Office, Auckland ... 50 0 0 Landing Waiter, Customs, Lyttelton, Canterbury Clerk to Bench and Bailiff, Akaroa £100 0 0 Postmaster 50 0 0 Clerk, Native Lands Court, Auckland Commissioner of Crown Lands, Canterbury (paid by Province) Postmaster, Otepopo, Otago... Resident Magistrate and Warden, Charleston, Nelson £500 0 0 Coroner ... ... ... ... ... Pees Registrar of Marriages Resident Magistrate, Shortland ... } nrrn n n Warden of Gold Fields ) * 0M U U Registration and Returning Officer ... 25 0 0 Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Fees Letter Carrier, Post Office, Dunedin, Otago Telegraphist, Mercer, Auckland £85 0 0 Postmaster 25 0 0 Lineman, Telegraph, Auckland Accountant in Bankruptcy ... Warehouse-keeper, Customs, Wellington ... Crown Solicitor, Auckland ... Postmaster, Newton, Auckland Clerk, Post Office, Dunedin, Otago Deputy Registrar of Marriages, Mahurangi, Auckland ... Compositor, Printing Office, Wellington ... Registrar of Marriages, G-eraldine, Canterbury Locker, Customs, Auckland ... Postmaster, Molyneux Township, Otago ... Deputy-Sheriff, Wellington and Wairarapa Curator of Intestate Estates Clerk, Native Office, Auckland Telegraphist, Hokitika Clerk and Warehouse-keeper, Customs, Napier ... Deputy Sheriff, Nelson Postmaster, Merton, Otago ... Draughtsman, Geological Survey Office, Wellington Letter Carrier, Post Office, Wellington Clerk, Post Office, Wellington Telegraphist, Christchurch ... Locker, Customs, Auckland ... Clerk, Post Office, Canterbury Telegraphist, Wellington Resident Magistrate, Wanganui, Wellington £350 0 0 Forage 54 12 0 Registration and Returning Officer ... 25 0 0 Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Clerk, Colonial Secretary's Office, Judicial Branch, Wellington ] 300 0 0 10 0 0 nil. J 654 12 0 300 0 0 109 10 0 Fees 150 0 0 109 10 0 J 182 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 ] 165 0 0 I 250 0 0 220 0 0 ] 150 0 0 225 0 0 12 0 0 [500 0 0 >575 0 0 9 May, 1806 1 April, 1863 Jan., 1868 1 Oct., 1862 Mar., 1851 1 Mar., 1865 24 July, 1866 1 July, 1863 1 July, 1867 19 Jan., 1868 1 Jan., 1866 1 June, 1865 Sept., 1866 1 April, 1869 10 May, 1864 14 Nov., 1864 20 Feb., 1868 30 Aug., 1858 12 July, 1859 7 June, 1867 Oct., 1862 16 July, 1867 22 Aug., 1863 Nov., 1863 6 3 1 6 6 9 17 3 4 4 2 11 G 0 2 0 1 5 3 6 4 1 2 9 0 3 5 2 4 7 1 4 10 10 9 11 2 1 6 8 1 11 5 10 5 7 130 0 0 Dec, 1862 6 6 J 110 0 0 INov., 1866 2Q O 164 5 0 600 0 0 195 0 0 Fees 20 0 0 180 0 0 1 Nov., 1866 10 Feb., 1866 2 June, 1862 3 Aug., 1865 1 July, 1865 27 Nov., 1861 14 Oct., 1858 July, 1867 1 April, 1864 1 Sept., 1854 1 May, 1866 12 Mar., 1863 2 8 3 4 7 0 3 10 4 0 7 6 10 8 1 11 5 3 14 10 3 2 6 3 156'"o 0 160"0 0 10 0 0 Fees 150 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 nil. G00 300 0 0 100 0 0 130 0 0 100 0 0 185 0 0 150 0 0 166 13 4 V429 12 0 Sept., 1866 1 Sept., 1866 1 Jan., 1864 1867 1 Dec, 1865 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1868 Sept., 1857 15 July, 1868 12 May, 1854 Nov., 1863 1 June, 1866 2 10 2 10 5 6 2 0 3 7 4 2 1 6 11 9 1 0 15 1 5 7 3 1 1 Sept., 1855 13 10 Bunny, C. E. 52 0 0 1 Oct., 1868 0 9 (a) Commission, 7| p (6) Travelling allowai ier cent. nee, 2s. per day. (c) £1 per month, ft >r use of Tools,