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D.—No. 5.



Governments that we can be really useful to each, we are in the right road. Our deserving unemployed workmen and their families may safely be assisted to, and will be gladly welcomed by our Colonies —not so paupers. I am &c East End Emigration and Belief Fund, 15, Cockspur Street, 26th January, 1869.

No. 2. Mr. Gisboene to the Eight Hon. J. C. Lawrence and Others. Colonial Secretary's Office, Geotiemen,— Wellington, 26th May, 1869. I have the honor, by the direction of Mr. Stafford, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22nd of March last, transmitting certain Eesolutions unanimously passed at a Conference on Emigration recently held at the Mansion House. Mr. Stafford also directs me to state, that copies of your letter and of its enclosures will be presented, by His Excellency's command, to both Houses of the General Assembly, for their consideration. The Lord Mayor of London, Sir G. Grey, X.C.8., ~* Y °' wTgisbobne and others.