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B.—No. 12.



Enclosure 2 in No. 5. Mr. Hoos to Mr. Eobeets. Sib i^ 0 ' 129 ' ) Hokitika, 15th February, 1869. I have the honor to request you will inform me upon what terms and conditions you can advance an overdraft to the Westland County Council, or loan of a sum of money not exceeding £20 000 I shall esteem it a favour if you will kindly furnish me with a reply at your earliest convenience. I have, &c W. C. Eoberts, Esq, C. Hoos, Manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Hokitika. Chairman of the County Council.

Enclosure 3 in No. 5. Mr. Eobeets to Mr. Hoos. glB Bank of New Zealand, Hokitika, 15th February, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of this date, requesting me to inform you upon what terms and conditions the Bank can advance an overdraft to the Westland County Council, or loan of a sum of money not exceeding £20,000. In reply I would beg to submit the following terms for your consideration :— That the Bank allow the County an overdraft as required to the extent of £15,000, upon which 8 per cent, per annum will bo charged. Any further sums, to the extent named by you, to be specially arranged for. • For the average balance to the credit of the account the Bank will allow 3 per cent, per annum, or for special deposits J per cent, over rates to the public. No interest on deposits at any sub-office. Bemittances within New Zealand to be made at par ; beyond the Colony, at current rates. That the account be held by the Bank subject to three months' notice of withdrawal; the same notice to be given by the Bank, unless the revenues of the County be unduly interfered with by legislation by the General Assembly. ,*.,'„ ■■, • *. j • That the advance be allowed under and by authority of a vote of the Council against and in anticipation of the collections of the revenue of the County, all of which are to be paid into the County Account with the Bank of New Zealand as received. I will be happy to afford you any further information requisite, and trust the above conditions will meet your approval. -*■ have, &c, Conrad Hoos, Esq., Wm. C. Eobeets, Chairman of the County Council, Westland. Manager.

Enclosure 4 in No. 5. Mr. Eobeets to Mr. Hoos. g m _ Bank of New Zealand, Hokitika, Ist March, 1869. Eeferring to my letter to you of 15th ultimo, and to my conversation with yourself and Mr. Lahman this morning, I beg to substitute for the clause of the letter above referred to, reading, " That the account be held by the Bank subject to three months' notice of withdrawal, the same notice to be given by the Bank, unless the revenues of the County be unduly interfered with by legislation by the General Assembly," to the following, which will be considered a portion of the conditions upon which the Bank is prepared to advance money by way of overdraft to the County, viz,—That the County Account be held by the Bank subject to six months' notice of withdrawal from either party to the arrangement. I would be glad to be informed if these conditions are considered satisfactory, in which case I would request that I may be favoured with a copy of the Eesolution of the Council and bye-laws referring to the account, also the acceptance by yourself and Mr. Lahman to the conditions embodied above and in my letter of 15th ultimo. I have, &c. Conrad Hoos, Esq, Wm. C. Eobeets, Chairman, County Council, Westland. Manager.

Enclosure 5 in No. 5. Mr. Hoos to Mr. Eobeets. Sic — N °' 175 ' ) Hokitika, 2nd March, 1869. Eeferring to your letters dated the 15th February and the Ist instant, we have the honor tostate, that on behalf of the County Council we are willing to accept the terms as stated in the letters above mentioned. We have, &c, . C. Hoos, W. C. Eoberts, Esq, Manager of the Chairman, County Council. Bank of New Zealand, Hokitika. H. H..Lahman.

Enclosure 6 in No. 5. Mr. Eobeets to Mr. Hoos. g IE _ Bank of New Zealand, Hokitika, 26th April, 1869. Under instructions which reached me this day from the Inspector of the Bank, I have the honor to hand you herewith copy of a letter recently received by him from the Hon. the Colonial