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D.—No. 7


of the district, previous to any rate being levied ; and upon a meeting of persons who have actually paid the first rate being called by the Superintendent, they are to elect five members to be a board for the dlStTn case the ratepayers neglect to appoint a board, or fill up vacancies, &c the Superintendent, after calling a second meeting for the purpose, which shall also fail to do so, is authorized to appoint a b°ar ilrannua/ratemay be levied by the several boards according to the value of the different classes of land from one penny up to four shillings and twopence per acre. . The ratepayers at every election subsequent to the first shall have votes according to their assessment but no person more than three votes. , The Superintendent may commit to the board the expenditure of any moneys appropriated by the Provincial Council to the construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, &c, within the district, and direct the manner and purposes of such expenditure. Collectors and treasurers are required to give security. _ ». The boards are, first of all, out of the moneys received by them, to make, maintain, and repair certain main roads (specified in Act), so far as they pass through the several districts ; and after those roads shall have been made, and in a proper state of repair (to the satisfaction of Superintendent), to make maintain, and repair the other roads within such district. _ Moneys voted by the Council in aid of road districts are to be paid only to such as have levied rates. Steps have recently been taken to put this Ordinance into operation, but as yet no report has been received from the Commissioners appointed by the Superintendent to carry out the classification of the lands of the Province, which is the first preliminary.

PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. The Roads Ordinance, 1884. TnniTY Eoad Districts and Eoad Boards are constituted by The Boads Ordinance, 1864, eacli with five members; the districts being not at all conterminous with the electoral districts. The Superintendent is authorized to appoint an auditor, and the Board of Works to appoint treasurers collectors, assessors, and other persons required to carry the Ordinance into operation. The board has control of all public roads, drains, watercourses, streams, &c, and is authorized to Clausr^t To Vl°and of the Act quoted, provide for the preparation of a Ratepayers' Eoll from amongst the holders of property in the district; the appointment by the Superintendent of assessors to assess the value of the rateable property on the roll; the publication of such roll and its revision by commissioners specially appointed for that purpose. Clauses 28 and 30 authorize board to levy rates, not exceeding one shilling in the pound on the net annual value of the property rated-that is, upon the annual rent at which the same might reasonably be expected to let, if leased for a period not exceeding seven years; and the 29th authorizes special local rates for execution of any work of special local benefit to any particular locality, such rate to be called and treated as a special local rate, and not to exceed two shillings in the pound on annual ValU ThePpe?s eon y s Eoll have (by clause 38) votes in proportion to the assessed value of their property: , , If liable to be rated in respect to property ot net annual value not exceeding £25 } xoteExceeding £25 and not exceeding £50 ... ■ • • * votesExceeding £50 and not exceeding £100 ... ... d votes. Exceeding £100 and not exceeding £200 ... •••,,,,•••■, ■ % f - ? Clause 39 provides that the Chairman of Board, if present, shall bo chairman of meeting ot rat6' PCku^ *c ratepayers present at annual meeting, or otherwise, shall elect members to vacancies, and that special meetings of ratepayers may be called by chairman on requisition, signed by ratepayers representing not less than one-tenth of all the votes the whole body of ratepayers are approval of the Superintendent, any District Board may erect toll-gates, &c, and imP°Clause Ss 60 SffltSi. Superintendent to appoint a Commission to carry out the provisions of Ordinance within any district, if ratepayers refuse or neglect to elect a board. The Eoads Ordinance Amendment Ordinance, 1866. The Eoads Ordinance Amendment Ordinance, 1866, alters slightly the provisions of the Act of 1864 as to revision of Ratepayers' Roll; authorizes the Road Board to prohibit the straying of horses cattle, sheep and pigs, on the public highways of district; and also to clear natural water-courses, and to require go'rse hedges along highways to be cut. The Sheep Rating Ordinance, 1866. The Sheep Eating Ordinance, 1866, declares that all sheep within the Province shall be liable to be rated on a certain net annual value, and requires returns of sheep depastured within each district to be prepared for the purposes of the Act. This Ordinance has been acted upon throughout the Province since the date when it received the Governor's assent.