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B.—No. 2.

STATEMENT 0E THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE OF THE SEVE AL PROVINCES OF NEW ZEALAN roil THE YEAR ENDED 31st D CEMBER, 1867-c mtinued. Caxteebuey. EXPENDITUHE. Auc: ILAJSTD.. Taeanaki. Hawk: :'s Bay. Wellj :notox. Ne: SON. Maelbi >KOuair. Oi, .GO. Sotjt: Totals. [IAHD. East Can fTEBBtTBY. WES! :land. 1.—Expenditure Authorized by Acts or Ordinances of General or Provincial Legislature, for undermentioned Services: — AdMINISTEATTTE, — Superintendent and Office Provincial Secretary's Office Provincial Treasurer's Office Provincial Solicitor's Office Provincial Auditor's Office Non-Official Members of Executive Commissioner and Commissions ... £ s. d. 1,498 14 11 795 15 9 636 13 4 206 5 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 467 17 7 125 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 118 10 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 902 3 6 £ ■ s. d. £ s. d. 1,317 13 2 ] 1,196 12 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,050 6 6 400 0 0 176 16 3 250 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 753 14 0 175 0 0 100 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. A. 1,375 0 0 1,292 10 0 522 10 4 454 3 4 55 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,475 0 0 1,780 19 8 1,931 11 0 939 7 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 850 0 0 £ s. d. £ a. d. 365 9 4 150 0 0 103 8 6 418 13 0 554 3 4 275 0 0 303 5 0 3,354 14 11 497 13 0 • Legislative,— Officers and Members of Council... Printing and Stationery ... Expenses of Elections 3,227" 9 2 961' 7 7 1,581 1 4 2,81710 4 1,877" 2 9 l,02S 14 0 3,690 3 8 3,803 7 11 6,624 10 11 1,679 3 4 27,299 11 0 G76 3 9 736 8 4 120 0 0 284 13 3 435 3 0 57 9 0 1,081 2 3 972 14 1 1,127 7 1 111 0 0 367 14 7 2,867 10 2 133 2 10 52 16 6 2,192 0 5 783 7 11 314 10 0 331 10 10 166 0 0 213 17 11 Administeation op Justice, — Police Gaols Courts of Justice 1,412 12 1 404 13 3 492 12 0 2,053 10 4 1,127 7 1 481 14 7 3,053 9 6 3,289"18 4 711 8 9 13,027 11 11 7,898 9 ]0 8,141 9 9 32G 0 0 5G9 9 11 1.738 2 6 1,251 17 0 24 17 10 4,821 16 1 3,176 8 5 2,990 6 7 1,090 5 0 101 17 6 1,045 5 3 769 8 2 11,668 15 2 4,636 0 6 1.868 4 0 15,258 8 7 5,524 13 10 3,721 10 1 20,813 0 9 10,505 1 7 2,033 13 9 1,101 5 5 16,039 19 7 895 9 11 3,014 17 4 2,674 8 2 8,001 4 6 4,182" 9 1 1,814 13 5 18,172 19 8 24,505" 1 6 31,318" 2 4 217 3 4 3,137 19 2 111,082 16 6 Education 3,902 10 6 3,902 10 6 1,330 11 8 5.G80 10 4 1,455 0 0 6,535 13 8 C33 17 0 11,698 15 0 Chakitable, — Hospitals Lunatic Asylum Charitable Aid 1,330 11 8 2,074 8 2 5,080 10 4 1,455 0 0 6,535 13 8 G33 17 0 11,698 15 0 217 3 4 34,128 9 8 2,902 5 3 2,114 1 2 4,835 15 7 317 17 1 732 2 1 2,4G3 4 1 866 9 9 762 11 5 ] 1,826 1 5 579 1 9 5,323 18 4 3,855 1 11 3,467 17 1 7 10 15,610 6 2 3,697 2 4 2,854 2 10 672 5 10 287 3 7 3S0" 1 2 1G9 8 10 2G2 1 G 9,852 2 0 697 18 3 001 10 11 4,092 5 3 931 2 1 2,757 3 G 841 3 3 12,646 17 4 8,916 7 10 22,161 11 4 959 9 5 63,826 9 1 Harbours, — Harbour Department Pilot and Establishment ... "Wharfinger —Wharf Expenses Lighthouse and Signal Station 947 15 11 3,G98 12 9 I 450 19 0 ! j 825 17 7 1,201 11 7 1,421 11 6 2,666 11 8 553 15 7 j1,623 0 4 156 15 2 110 0 0 ] 2,819 11 8 £3,534 8 0 2,612 1 7 785 18 5 427 10 10 1,907 17 11 ... 4,646 8 8 450 19 0 825 17 7 5,843 10 4 1,623 0 4. 266 15 2 2,819 11 8 3,534 8 0 3,398 0 0 ... 2,395" 8 9 25,803 19 6 MlSCELLANE01T S, Inspectors of Sheep, &c. ... Expenses Governor's Deception ,., Steam and Coach Subsidies Eerries Defences— Volunteers ... .... Miscellaneous 385 2 0 62118 4 DO 0 0 1,881 G 1 1,175 0 0 534 12 11 215 0 0 3,585 17 1 1,310 10 2 G39 G 10 250 0 0 1,908 16 0 1,777 3 7 158 19 0 790 8 11 481 0 0 1,427 4 4 5,046 17 2 504 1 4 474 18 4 3,890 7 9 793 7 10 2,220 G 9 4,095"13 2 1,302 0 G 1,719 7 6 12,177 7 8 3,572 2 3 1,38017 1 8,167 17 9 4,471 13 10 Tehtutoeiai, — 1 Waste Lands Board and Land Department Survey Department Roads, Bridges, Public Works Harbour Works Railway Expenditure Telegraph Gratuities in aid of Local Bates ... Purchase of Land from Natives ... Leasing of Land from Natives Immigration Gold Fields 4,897" 8 1 793" 7 10 2,27o" 6 9 7,391 16 1 6,295 10 2 1,302 0 6 17,642 14 9 5,002"10 2 16,022 16 4 5,450 13 6 75,118 19 10 7,228 0 7 42,675 C 11 52l" 8 8 2,837 10 0 3G5 9 4 2,015 3 9 11,290 6 5 2,527 2 9 10,400 16 8 43,179 18 7 2,290 G 10 543 11 10 2,905 1 G 70,248 10 7 1,509" 4 2 4,587 2 7 1,052 8 6 15,313 13 7 14,271 19 0 28,487 12 2 105,530 13 10 1,555 18 7 42,143 14 10 9,623 13 7 44,938 9 7 3,079 9 1 18,779 1 4 102,804 5 2 4,G41 4 3 2,313 9 0 5,736" 6 8 16,413"14 0 26,528 2 4 1,313 5 1 12,332 18 4 3,141 1 10 7,580 17 7 983 8 2 3,676 11 7 3,889 12 0 943 10 3 G37 7 7 35 18 6 1,514" 4 G 729"17 0 13,240 3 1 5,210 7 9 6,14l" 6 5 3,793 14 10 037 12 4 54,625"13 2 3,394 17 2 28,013 14 0 25,941 10 10 102,851 5 8 105,600 9 11 6,826 3 9 221,596 3 7 61,085 16 0 149,214" 4 2 11,015" 3 3 734,134 17 10 2. —Loans :— Repayment of Loans Interest on Loans & Bank Advances Sinking Fund Expenses of Loans 27,575" 1 11 4,000 0 0 COO 0 0 900 19 1 ] 2,497 12 4 52,100 0 0 19,019 18 5 1,000 0 0 1,644 6 11 1,278 2 2 12,000 0 0 619 13 10 13,831 13 5 6,089 10 0 875 16 4 5,375 4 1 28,455"14 10 9,500 0 0 2,495 0 0 31,575 1 11 1,500 19 1 2,497 12 4 73,70l" 5 4 13,278 2 2 619 13 10 20,796 19 9 5,375 4 1 37,955" 14 10 2,495 0 0 189,858 13 4 3,—Advances :— To Provincial Officers, &c, to be accounted for by them To General Government Officers on account of Public Works, &c. To Homo Agents 7,G39 8 5 990 19 10 5,797 3 11 35,123 3 1 34,041 2 11 7,770 11 9 38,247 19 0 1,019 6 4 769" 7 1 11,985 10 10 8,65814 9 990 19 10 5,/97 3 11 35,S92 10 2 34,041' 2 11 7,770" 14 9 50,233" 9 10 143,384 16 2 4.—Bank of New Zealand Overdraft repaid ... ... ! 15,529 15 0 15,529 15 0 2,049 6 10 2,049 6 10 17,579 1 10 5.—Expenditure in Excess of and without Appropriation ... 2l' 6 10 1,744" 8 5 632 1 7 2,213 8 8 2,213" 8 8 382 10 0 1,001 1-1 7 1,00114 7 9,560 3 1 24 6 10 1,744 8 5 632 1 7 382 10 0 3,561 13 0 3,561 13 0 6.—Deposits repaid 12,197 9 1 12,107" 9 1 191 11 3 191 11 3 1,217 7 0 1,217" 7 0 11,158 12 9 11,158 12 9 24,765 0 1 7. —Balances in hand at close of year 2,158 4 7 87 7 9 57,464 19 8 10,084 16 1 69,795 8 1 Totals 168,723 8 7 46,589 10 4 I ... 12,251 13 4 247,235 0 9 178,670 6 11 15,018 8 G 310,525 6 7 120,627 7 3 400,570 15 6 39,148 0 2 11,539,365 17 11 Treasury, 17th July, 1868. J. Woodwa: Assietair ID, Treasurer.