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A.—No. 1



The question is, whether the course pursued was proper and necessary, or whether the Members of tho Executive Council appointed by Sir George Grey, and in office at the time of the determination of his Commission, remained in office afterwards until they resigned or were removed by his successor.

No. 33. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 17.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord Duke,— 6th March, 1868. I have the, honor to report that on the Bth instant I shall leave Wellington for Auckland in Her Majesty's ship " Falcon," to receive His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, who is expected to arrive at the latter place from Sydney about the 20th of this month. 2. As your Grace is aware, there is a Government House at Auckland, and also at Wellington, so that I shall have the honor and pleasure of entertaining the Duke of Edinburgh at both those cities. Further, the local authorities and the inhabitants generally of the principal Provinces of the South or Middle Island, are anxious that His Royal Highness should visit their respective capitals at Nelson, Christchurch, and_ Dunedin; and preparations have been made for a hearty reception in all the chief centres of population throughout this Colony. 3. Addresses have also been received from the loyal Maori tribes, praying that the " Queen's son" (to use their own phrase) may visit them ; and it is believed by those best qualified to pronounce an opinion, that the granting of this prayer will- at once reward and confirm their loyalty. Accordingly, arrangements have been made, (subject, of course, to His Royal Highness's approval,) that the Duke of Edinburgh should visit the Ngapuhi tribe, at the Bay of Islands, in the North; the Arawas, in the Bay of Plenty, on the East Coast; and the Whanganui tribes, in Cook's Strait. 4. It will be my most pleasing duty to report hereafter the details of the enthusiastic reception which will be accorded to the Duke of Edinburgh by both races of Her Majesty's subjects in New Zealand. 1 iI£L"VP (B^o His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. G. F. BOWEN. P.S. —With reference to the distribution of the 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment, as reported in Sir George Grey's Despatch No. 102, of the Bth October ultimo, I may take this opportunity of mentioning that, with the concurrence alike of the Colonial Ministers and of the Military Authorities, I have given directions that one of the six companies now at Auckland may be removed to Wellington, where it will furnish the usual guards of honor during His Royal Highness's visit to this city, the political capital of New Zealand. G. F. B.

No. 34. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 20.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord Duke, —■ 7th March, 1868. Adverting to your Grace's Despatch to my predecessor, Sir George Grey, No. 68, of the 6th November ultimo, with its enclosures, respecting the disposal of certain New Zealand Bonds, I have now the honor, at the request of my Responsible • Advisers, to forward a Memorandum prepared by the acting Colonial Treasurer. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. G. F. BOWEN.