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A.—No. 1



Enclosure 7 in No. 30. His Excellency's Eeplt. Feiends, — I have received your letter of the Bth of February, that is to say the letter of the chiefs of Whanganui and Taupo, and from all the tribe. Tour words are good. The words of men who have been ever loyal to the Queen and to Governor Grey, who was formerly sent by her to be your parent —who have wrought and fought for the Queen's laws and for the Government. I return your greetings, and hope I may soon be able to come to see you. From your friend, G. F. Bowen, Governor.

Enclosure 8 in No. 30. Address from Tamihana te Eatjpeeaha to His Excellency the Governor. O Father, — Ngawhakangutu, 10th February, 1868. O Governor (Sir George Bowen). Salutations to you. Wo have heard of your arrival in Wellington, hence the reason of our writing this letter of welcome to you. Although we are not personally known to you, that does not signify. Tou are the Governor-in-Chief, and a father for us, the Maoris, and also for the Europeans ; hence the reason of our rejoicing at your arrival in New Zealand. Welcome, Sir, to us, to your children ; although we are children, and are ignorant, do you continually teach us. The other Governors who preceded you continually instructed us (that is) this ignorant race, the Maori people. Tou are the sixth Governor for this Island. Welcome, O Governor, welcome to us ; be kind to us, and bestow upon us a portion of the great love of our true mother the Queen. Enough. From us, from your friends who are not personally known to you. Tamiiiana te Eatjpeeaha, Mihi te Batjperaha.

Enclosure 9 in No. 30. His Excellency's Reply. Feient> Tamiiiana, — I have received your letter of welcome, and it was very grateful to inc. Tou say rightly that as coming from the Queen lam father and Governor for both races. My thoughts will be those of a father and friend towards you and your people. 1 hope soon to know you personally. From your friend, G. F. Bowes", Governor.

Enclosure 10 in No. 30. Addeess from Otago Natives to His Excellency the Goyeenor. Feiend Goveenor Bowen, — Dunedin, 12th February, 1868. Great is our love for you. Stand in New Zealand, and let your light shine over all parts of the world, over Pakeha and Maori. Welcome, " Autahi," the sacred star of the year, Lord of both Pakeha and Maori. Gome and see us ; you and the Queen's son, who, w re hear will soon come to New Zealand. That is all: our address of welcome to you ends. Tour friends, Weeeta Tuarea, Bawibi te Uea-(tiea), Teoti te Koeiiii, And the people of Taiari.

Enclosure 11 in No. 30. His Excellency's Keply. Feiends, — Tour letter of love and welcome has reached me from the land of the South, where there has been no confusion between the Europeans and the Maoris, and where love and law are unshadowed by the evils which have passed as a darkness over some parts of this Island. Your words are words of good omen : that I should shine as a light from the Queen to both races. I trust that mist and darkness may be dispelled. I hope to be able to visit you shortly, and that the Queen's son will also be able to. From your friend, G-. 37. Bowe?t, Governor.

Enclosure 12 in No. 30. Addeess from Otaki Chiefs to His Excellency the Goveenor. Father,— Otaki, 20th February. 1868. Governor Bowen : Salutations. Here are we writing this our letter of love to you, for you