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COLONIAL TBEASUBEB, &c—continued. Cr. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 229 7 5 | 1,878 3 8 10,529 3 G Postal .— Salaries, Country Postmasters ... ... £360 16 4 Conveyance of Mails ... ... ... 2,364 17 6 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 147 5 2 New Post Office, Dunedin ... ... 167 3 2 3,010 2 2 Province oe Southland. 3,269 9 7 Registration: — Registration of Births, &c., — Salaries 1 2 '6 Postal: — Contingencies ... ... ... ... £5 0 0 Less credit refund ... ... ... 029 4 17 3 5 19 9 Total disbursements out of unexpended Balances of the year 1865-6 ... 5,153 13 0 15,682 16 6 ORDINARY REVENUE, 1866-7. Civil List. First Division. Governor Sir George Grey, K.CB. ... 30 June Acting Chief Justice : — J.S.Moore ... ... ... „ Puisne Judges : — A. J. Johnston, Wellington ... ... „ It. P. Gresson, Canterbury ... C. W. Richmond, Otago ... ... ,, II. S. Chapman, Southland ... ... „ 850 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 4,500 0 0 6,850 0 0 Establishment of the General Government:The Colonial Secretary, — E. W. Stafford, to 30 June ... 1,000 0 0 The Colonial Treasurer, — F. Jollie, 1 July to 23 August, 1866 ... £145 3 3 W. Fitzhorbert, 24 August to 30 June, 1807 854 16 9 1,000 0 0 The Minister for Defence, — T. M. Haultain, to 30 June ... 1,000 0 0 The Postmaster-General, — J. Patterson, 1 July to 23 August, 1866 £145 3 3 J. Hall, 24 August to 30 June, 1867 ... 854 16 9 1,000 0 0 The Attorney-General, — J. Prendergast, 1 July to 8th October, 1866 £271 10 1 R. Hart (Acting), 9 October to 6 Feb., 1867 296 6 11 J. Prendergast, 7 February to 30 June, 1867 79 15 3 647 12 3 The Commissioner of Customs, — J. C. Richmond, 24 August to 30 June 854 16 9 The Under Secretary,— W. Gisborne, to 30 June 600 0 0 The Assistant Treasurer, — J. Woodwai'd, to 30 June 600 0 0 General Expenses,— Commissioner for examination of Imperial Accounts, — J. L. C. Richardson, 27 Sept. to 13 Jan. £296 1 2 „ 26 Mar. to 30 June 266 2 6 Minister accompanying II. E. the Governor, — J. L. C. Richardson, 14 January to 25 March 198 18 7 Secretary to Cabinet, — W. Gisborne, to 30 June ... ... 100 0 0 Confidential Clerk to Premier, to 30 June 20 0 0 Expenses of Attorney-General's removal from Dunedin ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 981 2 3 7,683 11 3 Carried forward 19,033 11 3 15,682 16 G ■!■